E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study

continuous. Sodded utility strips are present throughout the rural typical sections and vary from one to twelve feet in different areas.

The urban typical sections begin approximately 500 feet from the east and west ends of both the N. 15 th Street and N. 22 nd Street intersections. The urban typical section around the intersection with N. 15 th Street features two 11-foot travel lanes, a 12-foot left-turn lane or striped median, and three-foot shoulders. This segment has no bicycle facilities, but does have sidewalks on the north side west of N. 15 th Street and on both sides east of N. 15 th Street. The segment also has a sodded utility strip varying from three to 15 feet in width. The urban typical section around the intersection with N. 22nd Street resembles the previous typical section with some minor differences. This location also features two 11- foot travel lanes, but the left-turn lanes or striped median is slightly narrower at 11 feet. The 3-foot shoulder is marked as a bicycle lane, and the continuous sidewalks in this section are built at the back of the curb, moving the planting strips to the back side of the sidewalk. The urban typical section between Livingston Avenue and Bruce B Downs Boulevard varies considerably. The westbound direction has an 11-foot travel lane and a four-foot paved shoulder that is also a designated bicycle shoulder. The eastbound direction features an 11-foot travel lane that transitions to two through lanes and a left and right turn lane that are all 10 feet wide. The eastbound direction also features a 4-foot paved shoulder designated as a bicycle lane that maintains position beside the through lane, to the left of the right-turn lane at the intersection with Bruce B Downs Boulevard. In addition, there are continuous five-foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the roadway for the entire segment of the roadway. The location of the sidewalk varies from being adjacent to the back of curb to being separated by a sodded utility strip. For information about the roadway geometry, please see Figure V I-2 . In addition to the cross streets, a CSX railroad crossing (#624972U) exists approximately 670 feet east of N. Nebraska Avenue. The crossing includes a railroad signal with post mounted and cantilevered active warning devices (flashing lights), as well as an automatic gate. Pavement markings exist in both the eastbound and westbound approaches to provide advance warning of the crossing. There are currently no pedestrian or bicycle accommodations provided at the crossing.

E. 131 st Avenue PLAT Appendix V I


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