E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


D. Land Use and Development To better understand how E. 131 st Avenue operates and how the corridor is used, the existing land and future land use in the area were examined. Beyond simply the land use, zoning and design standards were also examined as these regulations will shape development in the future. Current permit applications and proposals for development that exist along E. 131 st Avenue were also documented, shedding light on the current development direction of the corridor. I. Existing Land Use The land directly abutting E. 131 st Avenue predominantly consists of multi-family residential; public/quasi-public/institutional and commercial uses, with smaller areas of lower density residential, educational; and communications/utilities scattered throughout the corridor. At the western limit of the project near N. Nebraska Avenue, heavy and light commercial use is prevalent as represented by Robbins Manufacturing Company, Consolidated Electrical Distribution, and the CSX railroad line. Continuing totheeast, themajorityof thecorridor spans multi-family residential properties, with Hillsborough County Fire Station #14 and other commercial and utility facilities concentrated near N. 15 th Street. The HART University Area Transit Center is located on the north side of the corridor between Livingston Avenue and N. 27 th Street. At the eastern limit of the project near Bruce B Downs Boulevard, the James A Haley Veterans’ Hospital occupies the south side of the roadway with surface parking lots designated for employee use located on the north side.

Although the project corridor is generally built- out there are some vacant parcels of land, such as at the intersection of E. 131 st Avenue and N. 15 th Street. The residential parcels that have been developed generally have a density of 7.2 people per acre, while the commercial and manufacturing areas have an intensity of just less than 6,000 square feet per acre. The buildings surrounding the corridor were generally built between the 1960s and the 1990s, with few buildings being constructed after 2005. Figure 2-2 provides a map of existing land use.



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