E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


II. Community and Environmental Features As an urban portion of Hillsborough County, the study area contains numorous community features, and a few environmental features. Beginning on the western end of the corridor, a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis identified a 35.4-acre brownfield site at the northeast corner of the intersection of E. 131 st Avenue and the CSX rail corridor. The brownfield site is associated with Robbins Manufacturing storage yard and appears to be occupied by the Toyota of Tampa Bay Vehicle lot and the Royal Palm Key apartment complex. Just to the east of the Royal Palm Key apartment complex is the Veterans Recovery Support Services, a group care facility and a social service parcel located at 1229 E. 131 st Avenue. On the north side of the street, almost directly across from the Veterans Recovery Support Services, is the North Hillsborough Fire Station (Station #14). Between N. 15 th Street and N. 22 nd street, at 1902 E. 131 st Avenue is the University Children’s Center, a childcare facility that was observed on field visits. At 1908 E. 131 st Avenue on the north side of the roadway is Heritage Manor, an assisted living facility and group care facility also known as Beehive Manor. The intersection of E. 131 st Avenue and N. 22 nd Street presents a node of community features. On the southwest corner of the intersection is the University Baptist Church, a religious facility with several structures and a parking area at 2121 E. 131 st Avenue. Just to the northeast of the intersection and off the E. 131 st Avenue corridor, is Arbor Village, another retirement home listed as a healthcare facility and group care facility at 13107 N. 22 nd Street. Just east

of the intersection, on the north side of the roadway, is the Agency for Community Treatment, a social service facility. Further to the east, on the northeast corner of the intersection with N. 23 rd Street is Children’s Discovery, a childcare facility located at 13101 N. 23 rd Street that was observed during field reviews. The east end of the corridor is dominated by the James A Haley Veterans’ Hospital. The hospital represents several different community features including a hospital, cultural center, community center, healthcare facility, veterans facility, and group care facility. The hospital use designations extend to both sides of E. 131 st Avenue, although most of the north side of the roadway is used for parking and stormwater facilities. Within the study area, but not directly abutting E. 131 st Avenue, were several other community features including: 22 possibly historic structures (all to the west of N. Nebraska Avenue), one additional group care facility, one school, six social service parcels, two religious parcels, three hospital parcels, several healthcare facilities, two cultural centers, and one community center. Of particular note were two other environmental features in close proximity, but not directly along the corridor. A site in the Superfund database (representing potential environmental and or contamination issues) is located about 675 feet south of the intersection of E. 131 st Avenue and N. 19 th Street. The Superfund site is listed as Walters Battery House, a potentially contaminated site at 12723 N. 19 th Street. Further to the west is an eagle nest located about 450 feet north of the intersection of E. 131 st Avenue and Livingston Avenue. According to information in the E. 131 st Avenue Technical Evaluation Memorandum, the nest was last used by Ospreys, and has recently been inactive.



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