E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


The project corridor lies within the Duck Pond Watershed, which drains into the Hillsborough River. The watershed in this area drains into Duck Pond East and Duck Pond West, located directly north of the University Mall, and connected by a pipe. Due to the fact that Duck Pond East drains into the City of Tampa storm sewer system, the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) has previously indicated that any improvements made to the drainage systems at Duck Pond should meet the criteria for closed basins as a method to improve water quality. The project segment of E. 131 st Avenue travels through four sub-basins. The Nebraska Avenue Draining Basin collects stormwater frombetween N. Nebraska Avenue and the CSX railway. The Robbins Lumber Drainage Basin drains the area from the CSX railway to west of Marathon Key Drive, and exhibits pooling on the north side of the roadway due to a lack of positive conveyance. The 131 st Avenue Drainage Basin drains the project corridor from west of Marathon Key Drive to N. 19 th Street, and outfalls into the 131 st Avenue Pond, a large, county owned wet detention pond on the northeast corner of the E. 131 st Avenue intersection with N. 15 th Street. The Mall East and West Basin drain the section of the project corridor from N. 19 th Street to Bruce B Downs Boulevard. Although no wetlands were identified within the study area in either the E. 131 st Avenue Technical Evaluation Memorandum or GIS analysis, there is a large stormwater pond present within the study area located north of the corridor between N. 15 th Street and N. 19 th Street. This stormwater facility was the only water body located immediately adjacent to the roadway, although several others were located to the south of the


Water ponding on E. 131 st Avenue near Key Largo Road

corridor. For the exact location of any of the community or environmental features, please see Appendix V . A review of the currently effective Federal Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) data produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reveals two areas within the Special Flood Hazard Areas along the project corridor. On the east end, much of area around Robbins Manufacturing is within the Special Flood Hazard area, as is a majority of the corridor between N. 19 th Street and Livingston Avenue. Appendix V shows the floodplains within the study area.


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