E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


F. Transportation Network and Patterns The transportation network is important to the character of an area, and can shape the way residents andusers interactwithaneighborhood. This section begins with an examination of the E. 131 st Avenue transportation network, including functional classification, speed limits, and typical sections. Analysis of pedestrian, bicycle, and transit facilities and ridership is also important, especially in an area such as E. 131 st Avenue with a high prevalence of zero vehicle households. In addition, this section will delve into traffic volumes, crash statistics and access management to understand traffic and safety conditions along the corridor. Furthermore, by examining travel patterns via GPS data, we can understand the prevalence and distribution of local versus regional traffic. I. Roadway Characteristics Existing Roadway The E. 131 st Avenue corridor is a two-lane undivided east/west facility, classified as an urban minor collector throughout the project limits. The posted speed limit is 30miles per hour (mph) from N. Nebraska Avenue on the west to east of Livingston Avenue, where the speed limit is then reduced to 25 mph. The existing Right- of-Way (ROW) width for E. 131 st Avenue varies from approximately 45 to 89 feet, with ROW generally narrower on the western end of the corridor, and wider around the intersection with Bruce B Downs Boulevard. The typical section also varies significantly throughout the corridor, but generally consists of two 11 to 12-foot lanes,

left turn lanes at the major intersections, and 5-foot sidewalks. The typical section switches between a rural typical section and an urban typical section several times throughout the corridor. In addition to the cross streets, a CSX railroad crossing (#624972U) exists approximately 670 feet east of N. Nebraska Avenue. The crossing includes a railroad signal with post mounted and cantilevered active warning devices (flashing lights), as well as an automatic gate. Pavement markings exist on both approaches to provide advance warning of the crossing. There are currently no pedestrian or bicycle accommodations provided at the crossing. For more information on the existing roadway please see Appendix VI .



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