
Sewage extras

worry council members

Some unforeseen costs are


bound to appear

headRichardGuertin. “Theproject hasbeen

Six months after the $35 million

very well managed up to now.”

overhaul of Hawkesbury’s sewage

The job is scheduled to bewrappedupby

treatment system began, some town

December, 2013.

council members are worried that cost

ASCO Construction of Hawkesbury has

over-runs have only just started.

been awarded a $29.9 million contract to

Considering thesizeof theproject, some

overhaul the facilitywhichhasbeenplagued

unexpected expenses are bound to crop

by problems for years.

up, town council was reminded at a recent

The firm submitted the lowest of nine


tenders on the project that was originally


Photo Richard Mahoney

estimated to cost $31,699,958.


A tower at the sewage construction site is seen from Confederation Park where birds

The total cost is pegged at $35,648,964.

about $15,356 in extras that were recently

await handouts from visitors. Some council members fear costs will also soar.

The federal andprovincial governments are

approved for the job.Oneamount, $14,256,

each contributing $11,882,988.

was incurred by extra excavation work

The town is financing its share by taking

related to soil conditions. That ought not to

$1.6 million from reserves and borrowing

have been a problem since work had been

$10.5 million.

carriedout on the site only a fewyears ago,

Engineering fees are 12 per cent of the

said Thibodeau. “This may not be a large

total, or about $3.2 million, and project

sum, but we are just starting the project,”

administration costs of three per centwould

he commented. All extras add up, added

be about $810,000.


Town council has complained the plant,

Since work began in May, extras have

built in 1971, was already defective when

totalled $39,369. However, credits have

the Ontario government transferred the

actually been higher — $75,794.

service to the town in 1994.

Chief administratorNormandBeaulieu

Although a sumof $6.8millionwas spent

noted that it was impossible to account for

on the plant in 2005, the investment did not

all possible glitches when budgeting such

resolve all of the station’s defects, which

an undertaking.

include inadequate sludge storage and the

Before reaching council, changes are


approved by the town’s engineers,

in raw sewage entering the Ottawa River

Thompson Rosemount Group, and the

during heavy rains.

project manager, Zbigniew Bukala, of the

The townwas fined $12,500 in 2008when

Ontario Clean Water Agency.

it admitted that the plant had contravened

“I have confidence in the engineers,”

provincial environmental laws.

said waterworks and sewage department

Cameron Street

work set to roll


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Althoughthe jobwill costmore thanexpected, anoverhaulofoneofHawkesbury’s

busiest intersections will begin before the end of the year.

The town had allocated $275,000 to repave Cameron Street from Spence Avenue to

CountyRoad 17. However, the lowest of four bids, submitted byCornwall Gravel, was

$276,550, public works department director Gérald Campbell told town council

Monday. Plus, professional fees will add another $14,764 to the final bill.

Council ratified Campbell’s suggestion that the work go ahead as planned with the

difference being covered by a fund created by government gas tax revenues.

LoblawProperties Ltd. will chip in $75,000 under an agreement signed back in 2003

when the company agreed to carry out a study to determine how the new Your

Independent Grocer outlet would affect traffic in the area. The food chain set aside

Download coupons for many other energy-saving products and find participating retailers at Valid until December 31, 2011.

$75,000 forCameronStreet improvements,with the stipulation that theworkbe carried

out by 2011.

The project will include a pedestrian path from Spence to the Your Independent

Grocer store entrance.

Félicitations Cindy Turpin et Marc Desabrais de Hawkesbury

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