and acquired locally and on November 1
Apart from genetics, there are many
they can all go into the compost pile.
other things that make the individual so
Of course, we cannot mention
Halloweenwithout issuing some words of
For instance, personal tastes in fashion,
caution for little trick-or-treaters.
music, food, sports, politics, home decor,
Amazingly, even inthisnervous, almost
cars and literature set us apart fromthe rest
paranoid, period of our history, no lawhas
of the herd. We are all very different, even
though we often try to go with the flow
children venture out after dark, knock on
because we do not want to be labelled
So awesome, it's scary
doors and solicit food from strangers.
“different,” in a negative sense.
Sure, we must be careful out there. But
Which brings us to Halloween. For
wealsohave toremember thatmost people
starters, do you use the apostrophe
no taxes, no streets or parks to occupy. Life.
duds that have not seen the light of the day
are nice and will gladly hand out sugar-
anymore? That question is, as one could
So simple sometimes.
since the disco era, can be dusted off and
laced treats, to somebody else’s kids, as
imagine, the centre of an ongoing and very
Speaking of taxes, apart from a Maple
admired as they light up the dance floor.
long as supplies last. Do not egg a house
entertaining debate among the miniscule
Leafs’ winning streak, does anything really
just because the light is off and it seems that
group of people who care about weighty
startle us anymore?
really great memories of Halloween?
nobody is home.
issues such as the proper usage of “eager”
The word “scary,” like “awesome” and
What was your best ever costume? Did
and “anxious.”
“whatever,” is so ubiquitous that it has no
As you trick or treat, remember that this
you make it yourself? Do you have fond
For example, youmaybeeager toattend
meaning. Scary has in some circles become
Norman Rockwell moments where you
is another fine traditionstartedby the Irish,
an upcoming Halloween bash, however,
a compliment, as in, “That singer is so
scrounged through an attic and cobbled
a superstitious lot who never pass up a
you may be anxious about how your
awesomely talented, it’s scary.”
together an ill-fitting, ah-inspiring outfit
chance to dress up and party.
costumewill be received. The obvious rule
At one time Alfred Hitchcock — Google
which your parents photographed and
According to legend, in ancient times,
of thumb: If an explanation is required,
him, children—couldfrightenthebeejabers
framed while they were preparing the
on Halloween, the disembodied spirits of
there is something wrong with the get-up.
out of entire cinema audiences by luring the
wooden barrel for a day of bobbing for
all those who had died throughout the
Costumes tend to reflect the times. For
example, adults are wont to impersonate
You must have been so awesome. OK,
bodies to possess.
unpopularpolitical figuresof thedaywhile
in the shadows. Thatwas a timewhen, in the
To ward off these spirits, the living
youngsters like to dress up as whatever or
real world, people were more trusting and
would dress up, parade around the village
whoever is hot this week.
more innocent.
sparenoexpense inensuring that they fit in
and generally misbehave by tipping over
Has Halloween, once quaintly known
Perhaps ignorance is bliss. Today, when
with the rest of the neighbours and spend
outhouses and removing fence hinges.
as All Hallows’ Eve, become too
children are taught to distrust everyone,
weeks preparing a Halloween display.
Good times.
commercial?Of course it has, andyouhave
you can turn on the computer and you can
Obviously, therearesomecommonthemes
In conclusion, Halloween is a festive
a problem with that?
see more gore and guts than anything a
when it comes todecorating and thatmany
time for children of all ages.
While so many people are “occupying”
perverse mind in Hollywood could invent.
decorators see this as a grave occasion.
So let us all enjoy this happy day and
cities todecry some evil or another, the rest
In an era when you can buy anything, it
Fake cemeteries and corpses are big.
of us have to keep busting our humps in
night in the true spirit of the season,
is refreshing to know that many still rely on
While orange is de rigueur, this is a very
order to bring home the almighty dollars
their imaginations when it comes to
whatever that may be.
green celebration. In fact, this is one of the
that pay our unholy bills, and to pay taxes
more organic, environmentally-friendly
to support a systemwhere people have the
“holidays.” Key elements, such as corn
the Christmas decorations. Now that is
freedomtooccupycities, ornot.Nowealth,
For at least one night of the year, tacky
stalks, pumpkins and leaves, can be grown
Local thieves make national headlines
January, 2010 in Hawkesbury, Alfred,
were scared off when they saw a police
the bandits to wait around. Patrick Plouffe
Mirabel, Vankleek Hill and Ste-Anne-de-
officer on patrol. They return later.
and Pascal Normand panic, fleeing with the
Prescott. Pascal Normand, of Lachute, 32 at
When they go to open the vaults, a
small amount of money they can retrieve
Hawkesbury was in the national news
from the open safe.
then 52, of Brownsburg-Chatham, had been
last week when the former CIBC branch
manager pleaded guilty to helping rob
Two charged with robberies
sister, Josée Maurice, 36 at the time, had
been sentenced to eight years and eight
a gang that carried out home invasions
months. One of the gang’s victims was a 92-
and burglaries.
Horton’s restaurant on County Road 17 in
year-oldman. The agreed statement of facts
France Maurice was sentenced to six
Hawkesbury. Brandishing a weapon, the
presented last week by Assistant Crown
years inprisonafter admitting inL’Orignal
suspect had attempted to rob the coffee shop
court to her involvement in the December
but immediately left without taking any
A 21-year-old St-André Avellin man
23, 2009 armed hold-up of the CIBC. She
money. About 15 minutes later a similar
and a 16-year-old female have been
a vulnerable woman who was gradually
pleaded guilty to a total of five charges,
incident occurred at the other Tim Horton’s
chargedfollowingan investigationof one
lured into the crime spree but did not
JudgeRobertPelletier sentencedher to four
Coffee Shop on Main Street in Hawkesbury
bank robbery and three aborted hold-ups
orchestrate the thefts. While conceding the
years for the bank robbery and two more
where thewould-be robber left againwithout
woman demonstrated poor judgement,
for a Hawkesbury home invasion. She
any money.
Charged with three counts of robbery
JudgePelletiernoted that shewasnot forced
received one-year sentences on theft of
September 28 a robbery occurred at the TD
with violence and one count of using an
to along with the gang.
credit cards and criminal breach of trust.
bank situated on Main Street in Hawkesbury
imitation firearm while committing an
The evidence shows that in November,
Servingher time in Joliette,Mauricewill
where a female walked into the financial
offence areMartinRobillardand theminor
2009,Mauricewas crackingunderpressure.
be eligible for parole within a year.
institution threatening violence and
Suffering from depression, she was crying
Her sentencing ends a lengthy legal
requesting money.
herself with the intent of committing an
inherofficeonadailybasis. Billswerepiling
process that began when she and ten other
She would have fled the scene with an
offence. The charges were laid following a
up. At that time, she met Marcel Larocque,
undisclosed sum of money.
probe of four incidents by theHawkesbury
her sister’s new lover, who suggested they
Police believe the two accused are also
Ontario Provincial Police Crime Unit.
responsible for an attempted heist October 3
the inside information to pull off the job.
of nine home invasions and robberies
a lone suspect attempted to rob the Tim
When the armed robbers showed up, they
committed between November, 2009 and
Halloween Party Le Vieux Château
9 pm until 2 am Prizes for Best Costume! Music and Requests by DJ YVON!
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