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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 FLOOD MAPPING UPDATE The United Counties of Prescott-Rus- sell (UCPR) wants to update the flood maps for the region along the Ottawa River. The current maps date back to the late 1990s and last year’s flood problems in Rockland, L’Orignal, and other areas along the river proved more accurate maps are needed. A delegation from the UCPR and the South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC) met with provincial government officials on the subject during the recent Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference in Ottawa. There were no promises made for funding aid but provincial officials said they would look into the matter. – Gregg Chamberlain


“I don’t even know if I want to put my signs back up.” 5IFTFXFSFUIFXPSETFDIPFECZ8BSE 4 candidate Yvon Simoneau, following the second instance of the destruction of his electoral signs. The vandalism took place on September 8 and 9. i8FMJWFJOBEFNPDSBDZuIFTBJE i* shouldn’t have to worry about putting up UIFTFTJHOTu The candidate estimates that 70 per cent of his signs have been either stolen or destroyed. “Some of them have simply EJTBQQFBSFE uIFFYQMBJOFEi5IFZEFTUSPZ UIFXPPE*VTFGPSNZTJHOTu

L’un des candidats pour le quartier 4, Yvon Simoneau, a encore une fois retrouvé certaines de ses pancartes électorales détruites. Selon lui, des voyous les auraient saccagées les 8 et 9 septembre dernier. Le candidat a affirmé avoir perdu 70 % de ses affiches. « J’hésite à remettre d’autres pancartes, » a-t-il déclaré à notre journal. Le vandalisme a eu lieu sur le chemin Caron. —photo fournie The candidate estimates the damage to be at over $1000, a true indication of the FYUFOUPGUIFWBOEBMJTN BTBTJOHMFTJHO costs a little more than $30. 8BSEIBTTFFOBDPOTJEFSBUFBNPVOU of vandalism towards electoral objects. Last week, Vision highlighted the initial destruction of signs belonging to Simoneau and another 8BSEDBOEJEBUF .BSD"OESÊ'PVSOJFS i*UTUIFUIJSEUJNFJUIBTIBQQFOFE uTBJE 'PVSOJFSMBTUXFFL'PMMPXJOHMBTUXFFLFOET vandalism, Simoneau confirmed that he alerted the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and hopes they deal with the matter. But amongst all the destruction, he is quick to point to the community’s generosity, calling it heartwarming. “Some residents have managed to find some of my signs BOEIBWFQVUUIFNCBDLVQ*NFYUSFNFMZ UIBOLGVMGPSUIBUu COURSE TERRY FOX DE ROCKLAND La course annuelle Terry Fox aura lieu le 16 septembre prochain. Celle-ci débutera à 9 h au Parc Simon. Les gens sont invités à venir marcher, courir ou faire du vélo sur une distance de 5 ou 10 km. Le but de l’évènement est d’amasser des fonds et promouvoir la cause de la Fondation Terry Fox. – Francis Racine &/#3&'r#3*&'4

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