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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
$IBQUFSTFDUJPOPG/"'5"XIJDIQSP - vides for arbitration through an independent panel composed of representatives for the three countries to settle any trade disputes between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. President Trump and American negotia- UPSTBUUIF/"'5"UBCMFEFNBOESFNPWBMPS at least revising the Chapter 19 section, making it weaker. Prime Minister Trudeau and $BOBEBT/"'5"OFHPUJBUPSTIBWFNBJOUBJOFE that Chapter 19 is non-negotiable. i8FWFTBJEAOPuTBJE%SPVJOi"TNFN - ber of Parliament for Glengarry-Prescott- Russell, my hope is for zero concessions.” Besides the deadlock over Chapter 19, the U.S. is also demanding changes to the sections dealing with the dairy trade and also foreign investment in Canadian media. Political pundits have speculated that
Trump’s goal is to open up Canada to more imports of U.S. dairy products at the expense of the Canadian dairy industry, including dairy producers in Ontario and Quebec, and also allow American media giants a chance to buy up Canadian newspapers, radio, and T.V. outlets. Meanwhile, Drouin noted that the fed- eral government is looking at safeguards in the wake of Trump’s 25 per cent tariff on Canadian steel and 10 per cent tariff on aluminum, which will impact exports to the U.S. later this year. The federal government wants to make sure other countries don’t try to dump cheap steel and aluminum into the Canadian mar- ket and create problems for home industries MJLF*WBDP3PMMJOH.JMMTPG-0SJHOBM/"'5" negotiations resume this week in the United States.
The future of trade relations between Canada and the U.S. hinges on results of last-minute negotiations on NAFTA. But MP Francis Drouin remains hopeful. “The minister has said that we’re not going to negotiate in public,” MP Drouin said during an August 29 interview, referring to President Trump’s frequent critical public statements and Twitter comments about UIF/PSUI"NFSJDBO'SFF5SBEF"HSFFNFOU /"'5" BOEIJTUISFBUTPGQVOJTIJOHUBSJGGT on Canadian products if his demands for DIBOHFTUP/"'5"BSFOPUBDDFQUFE Late last month, Trump announced UIBUUIF64BOE.FYJDP UIFPUIFS/"'5" member, had reached a separate deal on the international trade agreement, and that Canada had until the end of the month to come back to the table to negotiate. Drouin noted that the “separate agree- ment” Trump talked about concerned Mexi- co’s auto and auto parts industry exports to UIF64BOEOPU/"'5"BTBXIPMF The big issue during those talks was the lower labour costs for the Mexican auto industry compared to the U.S. i/"'5"XPVMETUJMMUBLFQSFDFEFODFPWFS that agreement,” said Drouin, adding that Mexico still wants a tri-partite deal that in- DMVEFT$BOBEBi'PS/"'5"UPHPUISPVHI JU has to be signed off by all three countries.” Canada has its own auto industry trade JTTVFXJUIUIF64UPEFBMXJUIVOEFS/"'5"
L’avenir de l’ALENA est toujours en suspens, mais le député de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Francis Drouin, espère toujours qu’un règlement raisonnable est possible à la table des négociations. —archives and Canadian negotiators have set out Canada’s position on that. There has been no change overall on UIF$BOBEJBOHPWFSONFOUTWJFXPO/"'5" despite U.S. demands for elimination, within 10 years, of certain clauses that benefit Canada. One of the main sticking points is the
en collaboration avec
L e journal communautaire Vision, en collaboration avec l’Association des artistes de Clarence-Rockland (AACR), est fier de vous présenter une série de profil d’artistes membres de l’AACR. La mission de l’AACR est de mettre en œuvre la promotion, le développement et la visibilité des artistes membres. Leurs objectifs sont de promouvoir, de cultiver et de faire découvrir les artistes de tous âges et de tous niveaux, provenant de la région
de Clarence-Rockland et ses environs, ainsi que les arts visuels, comprenant la peinture, la photographie, le dessin, la sculpture et les vitraux, sans jury et sans concours. L’AACR est à la recherche d’artistes qui œuvrent dans différentes spécialités, pour leur offrir l’occasion de promouvoir leurs talents par le biais de vernissages et d’expositions dans la région, assurant ainsi une relève artistique dans notre communauté. DÉCOUVREZ les artistes membres : http://aacr-art.ca/fr/
Christine Lenoir-Godin Artiste peintre Bourget
613-487-2280 lenoirpaintings@gmail.com Christine Lenoir-Godin
Christine has been an artist for 60 years and creates with graphite, charcoal, inks, watercolours, pastels, mixed media and acrylics. She also sculpts with clay and found objects, she creates in ephemeral art and more. She paints in the abstract expressionist, realist and impressionist styles. She believes that as an artist, it is necessary for her to share messages about her social concerns; such as the social problems of women, and the de- forestation of the planet.
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