Crest Ink - Volume 34 - Number 03

Crest Champion is our new employee recogntion program itended to acknowledge employees that perform above and beyond their normal job duties and those that identify and prevent mistakes from happening. It is replac - ing Quality Hero and CARE’s. It’s a combination of the two previous programs built into one. The program is designed to be a quick reinforcement to employees, letting

them know that our employees do make the difference to our success and that their efforts are appreciated. Peers can recognize each other, or Managers/Supervisors can recognize employees. We want employees to know they make the difference to our success and that their efforts are recognized. Employees nominated have either : Gone above & beyond (anything outside of normal job duties), Prevented or Minimized a problem, or Demon- strated creativity (creatively solves problems or improves procedures).

Congratulations to all employees nominated for as Crest Champions! Steve Harrell, Olgert Refatllari, Spider Dan and Aaron Yocum were the official winners over the past few months.

Steve Harrell (Ingredient Production C) Our FIRST Crest Champion! Steve was driving home when he saw a new employee walking towards work. It turns out, it was that employee’s first day and his car had broken down. Steve stopped to pick him up and brought him the rest of the way. This is a great example of how awesome Crest employees are!

Aaron Yocum & Spider Dan (Warehouse B) These two stepped up and took care of business when the majority of their shift was off sick. They went above and beyond to make sure product and supplies got where it needed to go and prevented a lot of downtime. Noth- ing would have run as smoothly as it did if it weren’t for these two!

Olgert Refatllari (Maintenance B) Olgert noticed the clean on a line was for a plain seasoning but it should have been for an allergen. He was able to notify the sanitation department and prevent a potential large recall! Great attention to detail!

14 Crest Ink July, August & September 2022

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