
How author Maggie Wheeler writes about murder

new books, which she admitted she pro- foundly missed. “You finish writing a book and it’s like being at a funeral,” Wheeler de- scribed, as the process of writing takes a tremendous part of the artist. The Seaway series is completed with the last part, it’s now time for a new story. “I’d like to write some more books. I can feel it’s time,” she added. The author born in Simcoe, Ont., moved with her family several times and is now a resident of Ingleside.

tom line, the formula will never change,” she said. When discussing about the angst of start- ing a book, she remains just as straight for- ward, so much one could forget the topic is about creative writing. “You must keep your eye on the ball, otherwise you can get into a soap opera,” she said, referring to a story line that never ends. “You can go in all directions and wonder around for years and years,” she added. Her upcoming projects will be writing

In any of her books, the author makes sure the reader will be able to solve the mystery. In her mind, it wouldn’t be a good novel if all the right elements were not in place. “Everything has to work with the puzzle. Readers have to be able to solve it. You have to decide first, the motive and second the murder act,” she explained matter of factly. Just like a math equation, she compares her novels to the most basic construction. “It’s really like x + y = z. You have the bot-

The Cornwall Public Library had the honor of welcoming renowned history and mystery writer Maggie Wheeler Sat- urday, for a exclusive lecture on “Char- acter, Plot and setting: the abc’s of fiction” to fans and future novelists. Wheeler graciously opened the doors of the human factor that accompanies the mystery novel. Even the most successful writers go through phases of insecurity, she explained during an interview following her visit. It was a lesson she didn’t mind teaching during the second annual Writers- Fest held at Cornwall Public Library. The author found the group well bal- anced, a good group, people asking inter- esting questions. “I’m often asked on how I schedule my writing. When I first started, I was at home with three little children. Well, in today’s busy schedule, you have to work around that,” explained the author. She’s also very honest about how to begin a project, from a beginner’s point of vu or from an already published writer. “When you start working on a project, get your own opinions. There’s always going to be that questioning and I don’t think we ever get past that. By the time I was writing my fourth book, I still had the inner critic,” she shared. In the category of mystery novelists, Wheeler recalls a passage of Agatha Christie’s autobiography in which the au- thor described the unavoidable presence of the inner critic. “She said, everytime she sat down, the critic will be there, it’s part of life. Just do it,” Wheeler said encouraging writ- ers to follow their idea. Wheeler sees today’s society as a culture that encourages a competitive way of life, an aspect she finds an artist might find dif- ficult to identify with. “With artistic creativ- ity, it’s hard to find a professional standard. It’s not like being a carpenter, when you can compare a house to another house,” said the author. Just as an actor could be labeled as a com- edy actor, or a dramatic actor, an author can also fall into a specific kind of novels, espe- cially if the book has done well. Wheeler doesn’t mind the title of “mystery novelist”, although she began as a history writer to be precise. “The history began the story, and the mysteries took over, and it’s the part I created,” thinking of how much she misses that part of the creative writing. As it would be rewarding for any writer, positive impact has been proven and shared with the author, as some parents thanked her for getting their children to enjoy read- ing. One comment that struck her mind came from one of them: “My child has learned more in your books than any his- tory class” Wheeler is evidently pleased with such influence on today’s youth. “The murder makes it easy to learn. We take our craft very seriously, the research comes first. We are careful with the honesty of the portrayal, as we have to see it through someone else’s eyes,” she stresses.




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