
Leader Andrea Horwath unveiled her plan

This is a wonderful time of year, isn’t it?

to protect drivers at the pumps by setting a

Weare in theearlystagesof summer and

weekly price cap on the cost of gasoline.

the opening rounds of another political


campaign. This isaseasonofpromisesof all

and it’s time to give people a break,” said

sorts, and at this stage of the game, it is

Horwath. “We can’t fix everything, but we

difficult to predict an outcome.

can take steps to protect households from

MotherNature is anunpredictable type,


almost as moody as some politicians, who

Board thepower to set aweeklyprice cap for

are often difficult to read.

gasoline. Thepriceof gasolinewon’t goover

As this is beingwritten,we have already

Fire, rain, clear choices

that ceiling and drivers will know what

had the usual mix of summer conditions –

they’regoing topay thatweek.Nosurprises.

a wet spell, a dry period, the occasional

accumulates at the bottom of septic tanks.

number of rookie Members of Parliament

No shocks.”

tree-toppling gale, bouts of close humid

The treated wastes are spread of fields as

whoaresettling inat theHouseofCommons.

TheNewDemocrat planwould impose a

weather and a few refreshing

part of “biosolids beneficial use” programs.

Do you detect a desire for change in the

weekly ceiling on gas prices to reduce

thunderstorms. As the verdant crops and

If it benefits farmers this practice must be



gardens develop, they display the promise

good for everyone. The stench can be

Could a blue wave carry rookie

encouraging competition. “Filling up your

of bountiful yields.

annoying but that could not be blamed on

Conservative candidate Marilissa Gosselin

car shouldn’t be like pulling the handle on a

But therearenoguaranteeshere.Mother

the presence of Hudak.

all the way to Queen’s Park?


Nature can easily turn cranky and deliver

Blame is a big part of the political game,


times, it’s time to put people first. Gas

disastrousblows, inthe formof ahail storm,


But othermatters canpopup in the course of

companies will be forced to justify their

a drought or an early frost.


a race. Remember the last provincial election

prices and stick to them.”

Meanwhile, as we continue to weed,

their platforms, they are warning about the

when school funding surprisingly became a

So, that is just a slice of the exchanges that

compost and train climbing plants, we are

dangers of voting for the opposition.

huge, vote-changing deal?

are taking place on the campaign trail.

also trying to get a handle on the people

As expected,Glengarry-Prescott-Russell

For now, the Tories are hammering away

Todate, the latest pursuit of power seems

who are trying to reap votes when the

Liberal M.P.P. Jean-Marc Lalonde is trying

at the Liberals over energy costs.

rather civilized. However, the campaign is

political harvest is held October 6.

to scare electors into fearing Hudak as a

“After years of failed Liberal hydro

young. Besides, sometimes, whether you

Campaign strategists try to plant seeds

clone of Mike Harris.

experiments, a PC government would

are gardeningor politicking, youhave toget

ofdoubt about theiropponentswhile trying

Here is a sample of what Lalonde has

remove the provincial portion of the HST

down and dirty.

to refresh recycled platform planks and

been saying: “The PCs are going to cut

fromhydro bills,”Gosselin has pledged. “In

bury mistakes from the past. You know

health care and education – and download

Canada, heating our homes is not a luxury.

Lost treasures:

what is going to happen on a campaign

services onto local municipalities – because

DaltonMcGuinty’smove to increase thecost

trail. Some ideas never take root in the

Happy ending

that’s what the PCs always do. Are our

with a surprise tax increase was grossly

minds of the voters. On the other hand,

rural school buses safe in the PC platform?

unfair. A PC government will remove the

there are sometimespleasant surprises that

In our June 10 edition we published a

What about our local hospitals?”

provincial portion of the HST from every

popuplike“volunteer” tomatoplants from

letter from Judy Miller, of Alexandria, who

Lalonde is playing the role of designated

home heating bill, including natural gas,

the compost pile.

related that during the Trash and Treasures


home heating oil and propane.

It remains to be seen how voters will

garage sales in Vankleek Hill, “I paid for

calling it quits after 17 years as M.P.P. With

A PC Government will also remove the so-

react to Tim Hudak, who is campaigning

some items from a seller with a table along

anewLiberal candidate tobe chosen in July,

called “Debt Retirement Charge” from

for the first time as leader of the

Main Street and returned to pick them up

Lalonde is flying the Liberal flag pending

residential hydrobills. Taken together, these


later in the day only to find out that she had

the selection of a standard bearer Liberals

steps will give a typical Ontario household

Hudak dropped by the riding on a day

left with my money and my light fixtures!”

hope will help them keep the riding they

$275 in immediate relief from rising energy

when we had fire in the sky — in the form

Since the letter was published, the vendor

have held since 1981. Askedwhat it takes to

bills. In October, the choice is clear – a

of a brief thunderstorm – mixed in with a

contacted her. “It would appear that I may


McGuinty government which will raise the

few downpours, followed by scorching

not have been looking in the right place or

stamina and people skills. Good politicians

taxes of Ontario families, or a Tim Hudak

bright temperatures.

just did not see her as she said they were

are at it sevendays aweek andknowhowto

government which will provide relief for

Since this is the country, in certain parts

thereuntil late. Oops,mybad. Inanyevent,

begoodlisteners. Experience isalsoanasset.

families on hydro bills.”

of the region, the thickhumidairwas tinged

I didgetmy lights and Imuchappreciateher

But that is not a prerequisite – look at the

At the same time, NewDemocratic Party

with the smell of septage, the stuff that



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