Global PT. Getting To The Core Of Back & Neck Pain


muscles in your back and surrounding areas, and by using targeted massage to reduce tension. In many situations, working with a physical therapist to improve core strength can significantly reduce the severity of your back pain. COR E STR ENGTH & BACK PA I N You may be surprised how frequently issues with the neck and back actually stem from issueswith core strength. Your core refers to themuscles thatmake up your torso, including your abdomen. These muscles are called the core because they are at the center of your body, and they are necessary in just about every action that you engage in. Everything from walking and running and swimming to sitting and driving require you to engage your core. There are a lot of reasons to improve core strength outside of any existing neck or back pain. When you improve your core, you are likely to also improve your posture and thereby reduce your risk of developing further back pain in the future. Furthermore, the exercise that helps to improve core strength is often helpful in promotingweight loss, and for those who are overweight, this could also help reduce pain in the neck and the back. Sometimes, when your core isweak, it can cause you to experience added pressure on areas like your neck and back. There are a lot of ways that working with a physical therapist can help you improve your core strength. Youmay be encouraged to practice core exercises, for example, whichmay include abdominal crunches or leg lifts. Light weight-training activities are also frequently helpful, as are balance-based activities like yoga. If you haven’t spent much time building core strength in the past, then working with a physical therapist is a great place to start. Your physical therapist will guide you through proper postures and movements to reduce further risk of injury. For more information about how to start improving your core, contact us.

Return to a pain-free, active lifestyle, by calling 810-695-0750 to schedule your appointment.

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