84th Grand Chapter Meeting Edition (Summer Issue)


The Sam Houston State University Chapter, The Rho Pi of Kappa Alpha Psi, is Chartered

A fter toiling for 17 long years, there’s just cause for Celebra- tion at the gate! The Rho Pi chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Inc., on the campus of Sam Houston State University, was installed January 19, 2019 by Southwestern Province Polemarch, Theron Hightower. He was accompanied by the South- western Province’s Senior Province Vice Polemarch, William Puder, and the Southwestern Province Keeper of Records Mark Gullashaw. The charter- ing members were ushered into Kappa Alpha Psi under council of Jonathan Guice (Kappa Nu 2001); Sam Houston State Alumni, Spring-The Woodlands- Huntsville (TX) Alumni Chapter Charter Member, and present Undergraduate Advisor to Rho Pi. Spring- The Wood- lands- Huntsville (TX) Alumni, common- ly referred to as Tri City, executive board

facilitated the ceremony and included Polemarch Jacob Caesar, Vice Polemarch Shumphert Holbert, Keeper of Re- cord Jerel Showers, General Strategist Leonard Hardy, and MTA coordinator Creighton Larkin. Director of Under- graduate and University Affairs, Ryan E. Tucker and Grand Board of Direc- tors, Alumni Member Ron Julun were in attendance, along with several of the university’s alumni, members of Spring- The Woodlands-Huntsville (TX) Alumni Chapter, and various other brothers from around the bond who helped to make the event a momentous occasion for everyone involved. Province Polemarch Hightower opened with prayer and a welcome from the Fraternity. Senior Province Vice Polemarch William Puder, shared some words of cheer and celebration. The sentiment was reiterated by South-

western Province’s past Senior Province Polemarch and Grand Board Member Julun. Brother Julun articulated his per- sonal excitement and the diligence that went into the restoration of Kappa Alpha Psi’s celebrated presence on the campus of Sam Houston State University. The keynote was given by Province Polemarch, Hightower, who challenged the men to be neither content nor con- sumed by admirable or regrettable rem- nants of years past. Rather, he encour- aged the newly admitted brothers in the bond to press on and curate a culture unique to their current campus climate, strive for, set, and achieve new prece- dence along their journey with Kappa, embody the objectives of our noble clan, and proudly hoist high the banner of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. as the newly chartered Rho Pi chapter. Under the advisement of Tri-City, and posi-

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