84th Grand Chapter Meeting Edition (Summer Issue)


Robert L. Jenkins, Jr. Esq. 28 th Eastern Province Polemarch

a. The Eastern Province has its own website which we use for document storage, information sharing, bulletins, Province leadership overviews, committee overviews, and is our overall communication tool for all activities in the Eastern Province. All province reports, newsletters and important documents are housed on the province website to help with the green environ- ment and going paperless. b. Brother Robert Brown has all disaster recovery and upgrading plans documented and reports to the leader- ship of the province on a monthly basis. c. Our Province Keeper of Exche- quer Brother Robert “Bob” Greene of the Dulles-Leesburg (VA) Alumni Chapter has implemented ‘Quick- Books’ as our province bookkeeping and financial records tool. This has helped us to be more efficient in our financial matters. d. The Eastern Province Chief of Staff Brother Keshon Kelly has devel- oped a roles & responsibility model for the Province Board of Directors to hold them accountable for their positions. Also, the Eastern Province Chairman of Nominations has developed and submitted an up to date job descrip- tions document for all elected positions in the Eastern Province. e. The Eastern Province has been added to the Grand Chapter Box. net online storage database. Brothers Greene and Kelly serve as the province administrators. f. The Eastern Province has also purchased our own A/V equipment to make us self-sustaining when it comes to hosting meetings and conferences. g. We have adopted the KappaOrg. com system for MTA to help streamline the process. h. We have moved our chapter certi- fication process to an online process to help make it easier for chapters as well

as province officials. i. We have been an active participant in the Senior Kappa Endowment cam- paign to raise a million dollars to secure the future of Kappa. To date the Eastern Province has the most brothers invested in the fund. j. Brother Keshon Kelly has been appointed to the National Technology and Documentation Committee for his expertise with technology & documenta- tion. Undergraduate Development: We have an Advisory Committee established within the Eastern Province led by Brother Warren Green of the Alexan- dria/Fairfax (VA) Alumni Chapter. We also have an Undergraduate Leadership Chairman and Undergraduate Leader- ship Conference Led by Brother Joshua Crockett of the Washington (DC) Alumni Chapter. a. We have advising alumni chapters for all undergraduate chapters and we require the undergraduates to attend the alumni chapter meetings to form a bond with each other. We also encourage partnerships with Guide Right and Com- munity Service between our undergradu- ate and alumni chapters. b. We hold our CRWLC on a college campus to highlight our undergraduates. This past year we held our CRWLC on the campus of John Hopkins University home of the John Hopkins University Colony. This was the first time we have ever had CRWLC on this campus. There were over 350 brothers in atten- dance. c. We hold an Undergraduate Lead- ership Conference every year at the beginning of the Spring Semester. This conference touches on a lot of different aspects related to our undergraduates. We talk about risk management, campus life, and life after college, job placement, leadership development, growing the organizations and brand management

among other areas of focus. d. Our Province Board of Directors have diverted monies (undergraduate relief fund) to help our undergraduate chapters pay for conferences, travel, and other required fees. We also require that all undergraduate chapters submit a budget for the full year at the beginning of the fraternal year. e. We also have all advisors meet with Greek life on their respective cam- puses to establish a working relationship between the fraternity and the schools. We also hold a monthly advisor call for all chapter advisors to talk about issues and share best practices. f. The Eastern Province has seen our undergraduate chapters grow in the past year with the potential chartering of two additional colonies: Averett University and John Hopkins University. There are also other colonies in the province who are seeking to eventually charter. g. We also have a very competitive Kappa Quiz Bowl Program which we have a large number of undergraduates participate in. We have an established Quiz Bowl Committee led by Broth- ers Joshua Crockett of the Washington (DC) Alumni Chapter and Brother Douglas Scarbor of the Hyattsville/ Landover (MD) Alumni Chapter. This program helps educate our undergradu- ates on many aspects of our Fraternity as a whole. We also have done very well in the national quiz bowl competi- tions finishing either first or second at the national quiz bowls for the last six conclaves. We also have the National Quiz Bowl Chairman in our Province, Brother Keshon Kelly of the Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter. Reclamation: We have a reclamation committee led by National and Eastern Province Reclamation Chairman Paul Robinson of the Dulles-Leesburg (VA) Alumni Chapter. a. We use Founders’ Day activities


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