84th Grand Chapter Meeting Edition (Summer Issue)


At the 66 th Southern Province Coun- cil was held in Huntsville, Alabama, March 31 - April 3, 2016, more than 636 brothers were registered to attend. At the 67 th Southern Province Council was held in Jacksonville, Florida, April 20-23, 2017, more than 510 brothers were registered to attend. At the 68 th Southern Province Council held in Mobile, Alabama, April 5-8, 2018 more than 535 brothers were registered to attend. At the 69 th Southern Province Council held in Tampa, Florida, April 11-14, 2019, more than 610 brothers were registered to attend. The Southern Province enthusiasti- cally supported all the programs of the 33 rd Administration, including Kappa's Six-Point Plan: 1. Community Service 2. Infrastructure 3. Undergraduate Development 4. Reclamation 5. New Member Recruitment 6. Executive Leadership and Succes- sion Planning Specifically, we have some of the most successful Community Service programs in all of Kappa Alpha Psi. One such program was hosted by the Birmingham Alumni Chapter on October 21, 2016. The Youth Summit, held at the Birmingham Crossplex, was attended by more than 300 students from Birmingham City Schools. This event was cosponsored by the Birming- ham (AL) Alumni Chapter and the City of Birmingham’s My Brother’s Keeper program. Grand Polemarch Thomas Battles Jr. was the keynote speaker for this event. Several of our chapters hosted Learn 2 Live programs coordinated through Grand Board Member Jimmy McMikle. We’ve provided funding of more than $5,000 in support of Piney Woods School. Several of our chapters in Florida participated in the 2018 Get-

port of this effort. The Southern Province continues to maintain a strong financial position. Our most recent audited financial state- ment reflected an increase of $67,000, for the period October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018. During the 33 rd Administration, revenue from the sale of Southern Province Life Memberships exceeded $23,000. During 2017, the Southern Province Foundation made a $5,000 contribu- tion and the Southern Province make a $1,500 contribution to the Kappa Foundation’s iKare Hurricane Fund in support of brothers in the Virgin Islands who were impacted by hurricanes Har- vey, Irma and/or Maria. During 2018, the Southern Province Foundation made a $5,000 contribution to the Kappa Foundation’s iKare Hurricane initiative in support of brothers in the Florida Pan- handle who were impacted by Hurricane Michael. Additionally, the Southern Province made individual contributions totaling $2,500 to brothers impacted by Hurricane Michael. We had more than 400 registrants at our Polemarch and Advisors Retreats held, June 10-11, 2016, in Tampa, Florida and June 22-24, 2018 in Tampa, Florida. Attendance at our C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Conference held in Birming- ham Alabama, November 9-10, 2018, totaled 360 members. Attendance at our C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Confer- ence held in Montgomery, Alabama, November 10-11, 2017, totaled 344 members. Attendance at our C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Conferences held November 11-12, 2016 in Birmingham, Alabama, totaled 400 members. Attendance at the C. Rodger Wilson Leadership Conference held, November 13-14, 2015 in Jacksonville, Florida, totaled 340 members.

out-to-Vote/Voter Mobilization initia- tives. Guide Right continues to be a key component of chapter operations. Dur- ing the 33 rd Administration, our Kappa Leaguers have been the recipients of several million dollars in scholarships. As Grand Polemarch Battles contin- ues to work to improve the Infrastruc- ture at International Headquarters, we continue to enhance KappaOrg.com and its usage throughout the Province. We successfully implemented the Province’s MTA administration electronically via KappaOrg.com. We are currently in the process of redeveloping our Province website. Undergraduate Development is one of the key components of the Kappa Six Point Plan. Our primary means of undergraduate development occurs an- nually at our C. Rodger Wilson Leader- ship Conference and biannually at our Polemarchs and Advisors Retreat. Our individual conference breakout sessions are designed to develop our Undergradu- ate leaders and we encourage our under- graduate leaders to convey their training to their respective chapter members. Additionally, elements of Undergrad- uate Development are incorporated into the agenda at our Province Council and at Grand Chapter Meeting. Currently, the Province has 10 Undergraduate chapters operating under the Fraternity’s Re-engagement Plan. During the 33 rd Administration more than 300 brothers have been reclaimed through our Reclamations efforts. The fifth component of the Six-Point Plan is “New Member Recruitment.” We actively encourage our members to recruit new members that will work to help us sustain the legacy of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. The best way to ensure that we are getting the best and most qualified aspirants is for us to reach out to men that we know will be a

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