

Nation taxes set to increase by 1.5 per cent


be taking place, especially in the first re- sponders and security sector. Police services now hold a commanding $234,000 of the budget, whereas firefighters received an increase of $43,427. The by-law service was the recipient of a $27,083. In addition, the municipality has in- creased the amount it will give to road repairs. According to St-Amour, “the Nation covers quite a big territory and has no other choice but to take care of its roads,” he said. «We also had an accident on Concession 12, near the Séguin bridge.» Themunicipality therefore had to dip into its reserves to address the issue. But the budget isn’t all increases. Some

Residents of the Nation Municipality will have to pay a tad more taxes this year. The few people present at the January 25 council meeting witnessed the adoption of the 2016 budget. Nation mayor St-

He also stressed that there has been a reduction of provincial assistance. «We must raise taxes in order to maintain the same level of inflation as elsewhere». François St. Amour

Amour expressed that he was in favor of the tax increase, stating that without it, «(taxes) could rise by 3 to 4 per cent next year.”

He also stressed that there has been a reduction of provincial assistance. «Wemust raise taxes in order to maintain the same level of inflation as elsewhere», he expressed. Several other budget increases will soon

Welcome to the Sports Dome meeting Russell KinClub and Russell Township officials would like to see a big turnout on Groundhog Day evening for a public feedback session on the proposed Sports Dome recreation project. The Feb. 2 meeting is at 7 p.m. at the Embrun Community Centre and all residents and local sports and com- munity groups are welcome to attend. The meeting is part of the public consultation process that the KinClub has launched to gather information on what kind of sports and recreation programs the proposed Sports Dome should provide and what interior facilities and design plans are needed for support. Information is also needed on what kind of facilities are required for a planned com- munity centre addition to the overall dome design. More details and an online survey are available at Anyone unable to attend the Feb. 2 meeting can send questions to or phone 613-445-6483. – Gregg Chamberlain

Nation mayor, François St. Amour.

cuts took place, especially on the sewer sec- tor. Limoges will be allocated $52,295 less

this year for its sewers, while Saint-Isidore will have to operate with $13,437 less.


SALE OF PROPERTY DECLARED SURPLUS BY PUBLIC TENDER YOUR MUNICIPAL NEWS TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Russell pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 and the provisions of this policy declared the following land(s) as surplus and are offering it for sale by public tender. The Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Russell, at 717 Notre-Dame Street, Embrun, Ontario, will receive tenders until 2 p.m. local time on February 26, 2016. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 2 p.m. Description of Property: (Parcel I) - Part Lot A, Concession 4 in the Township of Russell, County of Prescott Russell, more particularly described as Parts 1 and 2, on Plan 50R-10478. Total area of 2.669 acres; (Parcel II) - Part Lot A, Concession 4 in the Township of Russell, County of Prescott Russell, more particularly described as Parts 2 and 3, on Plan 50R-3575, Save and except Part 1, on Plan 50R-10478. Total area of 29.849 acres; (Parcel III) - Part Lot A, Concession 4 in the Township of Russell, County of Prescott Russell, more particularly described as Parts 3 and 4, on Plan 50R-10478 and subject to an easement over Part 4 as described in Instrument number RR86539. Total area of 5.012 acres.

717 rue Notre-Dame St. Embrun ON, K0A 1W1 tel: 613-443-3066

VENTE DE BIENS DÉCLARÉS SURPLUS PAR APPEL D'OFFRES PRENEZ AVIS que le Conseil de la Corporation de la municipalité de Russell, en vertu de la Loi sur les municipalités, 2001 et les clauses de la présente politique, a déclaré la (les) propriété(s) suivante(s) comme surplus et l’offre à vendre par appel d'offres public. La gref˜ère de la Corporation de la municipalité de Russell, au 717, rue Notre-Dame, Embrun, Ontario, recevra les offres jusqu'à 14 h, heure locale, le 26 février 2016. Les offres seront ensuite ouvertes en séance publique le même jour à 14 h. Description de la propriété: (Parcelle I) - Partie lot A, concession 4, dans le canton de Russell, Comté de Prescott-Russell, plus particulièrement décrite comme parties 1 et 2, sur le plan 50R-10478. La super˜cie totale de 2.669 acres; (Parcelle II) - Partie lot A, concession 4, dans le canton de Russell, Comté de Prescott-Russell, plus particulièrement décrite comme parties 2 et 3, sur le plan 50R-3575, à l'exception partie 1, sur le plan 50R-10478. La super˜cie totale de 29.849 acres; (Parcelle III) - Partie lot A, concession 4, dans le canton de Russell, Comté de Prescott-Russell, plus particulièrement décrite comme parties 3 et 4, sur le plan 50R-10478 et soumis à un droit de passage sur la partie 4 comme décrit dans l’instrument numéro RR86539. La super˜cie totale de 5.012 acres. Montant minimal: OPTION 01: PARCELLE I, II & III: 785,600.00$ OPTION 02: PARCELLE I SEULEMENT: 407,890.32$ OPTION 03: PARCELLE II & III SEULEMENT: 382,709.68$ Les offres doivent être soumises sur le formulaire fourni par la municipalité de Russell et doivent être accompagnées par un dépôt sous la forme d'un mandat ou une traite bancaire ou chèque certi˜é par une banque, société de ˜ducie ou de la Caisse d'épargne de l'Ontario à payer à la municipalité et représentant au moins 20 pour cent du montant de l'offre. La municipalité ne fait aucune représentation quant à la propriété ou d'autres questions relatives à la propriété à être vendue. La propriété (et la construction et l'installation, le cas échéant) est offerte en vente sur une base «telle quelle, où il est», et le canton ne fait aucune représentation et ne fournit aucune garantie que ce soit en ce qui concerne l'adéquation des services, les conditions du sol, les conditions de construction et de développement, absence ou la présence de contamination de l'environnement, ou la capacité de développer des terres pour un usage particulier. La responsabilité de véri˜er ces questions repose avec les acheteurs potentiels. L'offre la plus élevée ou toute offre peut ne pas nécessairement être acceptée. Une visite optionnelle est prévue le jeudi 11 février 2016 à 13h au 1956 rue Ste-Catherine,Embrun, ON pour les soumissionnaires intéressés à participer à la soumission. L'adjudicataire sera tenu de payer la somme offerte, la taxe de transfert de terres et de la TVH applicable. L'offre proposée viendra avant ledit Conseil pour examen à sa réunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle Gaston R.Patenaude à 717, rue Notre-Dame, Embrun Ontario, le 7 mars 2016. Les commentaires écrits peuvent être envoyés au gestionnaire de projet et la gref˜ère de la municipalité de Russell à l'adresse courriel ci-dessous au plus tard 14 h, heure locale, le 24 février 2016. François Landry & Joanne Camiré LaŒamme Adresse: cc : joannecamirela¢ Les formulaires de soumission peuvent être obtenus du gestionnaire de projet à l’adresse ci-dessus.


$ 785,600.00 $ 407,890.32

$ 382,709.68 Tenders must be submitted on the form provided by the Township of Russell and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or a bank draft or certi˜ed cheque by a bank, trust corporation or Province of Ontario Savings Of˜ce payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 percent of the tender amount. The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the property to be sold. The land (and building and facility where applicable) is offered for sale on an ‘as is, where is’ basis, and the Township makes no representation and provides no warranty whatsoever with regards to the adequacy of services, soil conditions, building and development conditions, absence or presence of environmental contamination, or the ability to develop land for any particular use. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.

The highest or any offer may not necessarily be accepted. An optional job showing will be held on Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 1956 Ste-Catherine Road, Embrun at 1:00 p.m.

The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered, the land transfer tax and any applicable HST. The proposed tender will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting to be held in the Gaston R. Patenaude Hall at 717 Notre-Dame Street, Embrun Ontario on the 7th day of March 2016. Written comments may be provided to the Project Manager and Clerk of the Township of Russell at the e-mail address below no later

than 2 p.m. local time, on February 24, 2016. François Landry & Joanne Camiré LaŒamme Email: cc : joannecamirela¢ The form of tender can be obtained from the Project Manager at the e-mail address indicated above.

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