It is a fact that he who resists the Lord only ruins himself. There is but one means to defeat the pow er of the devil. That is through the prayer pattern which the Lord gives in hands which are held heaven ward to receive His blessings. This is what Israel had to learn. Have we been able to gain this lesson of greatest importance for our own lives? Across the centuries of human time Satan has been in continual controversy with God. This is seen in many areas of life. It all started on earth in the Garden of Eden. Here we find the first promise of the Redeemer (Genesis 3:15). The evil one has always been busy seeking to thwart the plan of God in His program of deliverance for men's salvation and eternal life. It was through the kingly line of David that the Saviour was to come. It is therefore important to estab lish the geneology of the Psalmist who was so loved by his people. His royal line, culminating in the coming of Christ, remained un broken. Satan's deceptive tool has al ways been in the name of religion. The children of Israel had been told that they must utterly destroy the Canaanites who were the in habitants of the land. This clear commandment was willfully dis obeyed. Judah had not driven out the inhabitants of the valley be cause “ he feared their chariots of iron." Benjamin had not driven out the Jebusites from Jerusalem. Jo seph had killed all the inhabitants of Bethel, except for one family who were allowed again to flour ish. Manasseh had only made the Canaanites captives so that their tribute could be gained. The same
Balaam knew, and testified to the fact, that he could not go be yond the word of the Lord. He realized his own limitations. This was one thing in his favor. Yet, he did not want to follow God's will in its entirety. This is much like people in our own age. Balaam has been told of the Lord that he could not curse the people of Israel. He could only speak words of opti mism and promise. In his greed Balaam went early to find his reward, not waiting up on the Lord as he should have done. He loved the wages of un righteousness which are simply gold and silver, and which perish. Faced with God's displeasure, how ever, he feared the Lord and was prevented from cursing the people of Israel. Instead the event was turned to blessing which caused consternation on the part of wicked Balak. You further remember how that God used a donkey to get the mes sage across to Balaam. This was certainly a miracle. It was clearly the work of the Lord Himself. It was to show that there is danger ahead when one seeks to disobey the voice of the Almighty. Balaam was not in harmony with the di vine program no man can impede. The devil could only control Ba laam's will, not his mouth! We see from this story that the Israelites were to separate them selves from all that is ungodly. They were to be alert to, and to beware of, the mixed multitude who would bring spiritual defeat to the camp. They had to learn that, “ It is better to be short of water than to be short of faith!" Christ is the only Water who can quench the fiery thirst of the human soul.
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