
Joyeuses Fêtes

Happy Holidays!

What is Christmas spirit?

162, rue Race St. Hawkesbury (Ontario) K6A 1V2 | Courriel : logement@bellnet.ca Tél. : 613 632-5596 | Cell.: 613 678-7884 | Téléc. : 613 632-5306 À tous nos clients, nous vous souhaitons de joyeuses Fêtes, de la santé, du bonheur et une bonne et heureuse année 2015! Pierrette et Raymond Dallaire Gestion R & P Dallaire Inc. Comptabilité / Accounting | Impôt / Income Tax | Gestion immobilière / Property Management

W hat exactly is Christmas spirit? The Grinch pondered that perhaps Christmas means a little bit more than what you find in a store. It means something different to everyone. The people of Champlain share what Christmas spirit means to them. “As a child growing up in Europe, I remember the excitement of getting a present,” recalled Gisella Feldman from Hawkesbury. “The smell of the fir Christmas tree, the wax candles, baking, and oranges, which we could only afford at Christmas. As an adult, I saw Christmas through my children’s and grandchildren’s eyes, their anticipation, the glow of the lights and decorations everywhere, snowy landscapes and ice flowers on the windows. It’s a time to be with family and friends. It’s a time to share our blessings and reach out to the people who are having a difficult time, who are lonely and are in financial distress. Christmas is about love, sharing and caring.” For Charlie Brown’s best friend, Linus Van

Pelt, Christmas is a time to remember the Lord. ‘“For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord’, that’s what Christmas is all about.” Linus is not alone in his beliefs. “To me, Christmas equals the birth of my Lord Jesus Christ, which equals salvation,” expressed Helene Anstey, coordinator at the L’Orignal Food Bank. Esther Bryan, creator of The Quilt of Belonging, from Williamstown, has similar beliefs. “The Christmas spirit means remembering and following the spirit of Christ, the example of sharing with others, of giving to those who are in need, of loving others, even the unlovely, and of seeking peace on earth.” Gratitude and helping others “Christmas spirit is about demonstrating what we should all be practicing year-round,” conveyed Sara Baxter, resident of Chute-à- Blondeau. “It’s about showing gratitude for our own blessings by going out of our way to help others. It’s about spending time with family and being in no hurry to be anywhere else.” Children have their own swing on what

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