Policy News Journal - 2011-2012

The Third Party Validation Service (TPVS) for software developers developing payroll software products for the RTI service that will be piloted from April 2012 has now been released. Please note that there is an issue with the functionality for ‘Future Dates – test service only’ detailed on Page 7 of the ‘How to use the internet services’ document published at http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/softwaredevelopers/rti/rti-howtouse.pdf . As a workaround, you can use Starter and Leaver dates no more than 30 days from the date of submission. We will update you again when the Software Development Support Team let us know that this has been fixed. The release also includes PAYE End of Year 2012/13 and updates to the Expenses and Benefits services. Details will follow later this week on the release date for the EDI test service this autumn. HMRC PUBLISHES RTI RESPONSE 5 October 2011 The long awaited Real Time Information Summary of Responses to the consultation document has been published today by HMRC. Having looked through it there are no surprises for you and most respondents shared the same views as the CIPP membership. 5 October 2011 Following software developer feedback, HMRC are in the process of introducing a number of changes to the RTI messages submitted via the Internet and EDI channels in readiness for the April 2012 release. These are as follows: · The allowable values for "Directors NIC and method of calculation" (data item 84A) will be changed to allow "AN" for annual and "AL" for alternative calculation methods. · Data item "Tax Week/Month number of appointment of director" (data item 84B) will be renamed to remove reference to "month". · Data items "Total of Employer NI contributions in this period" (data item 86A), "Total of Employer NI Contributions year to date" (data item 86Aa), "Employees contributions due on all earnings in this pay period" (data item 86B) and "Employees contributions due on all earnings year to date" (data item 86Ba) will remain but they will be repositioned to be included in the iterative NI group containing data items 79 to 84. · Data item "Value of earnings at or below the Lower Earnings Limit Year to Date" (data item 82) will be renamed to remove reference to "or below". · Data items "Value of earnings above Lower Earnings Limit to Primary Threshold Year to Date" (data item 82A), "Value of earnings from the Primary Threshold to Upper Accrual Point Year to Date" (data item 83) and "Value of earnings from Upper Accrual Point to Upper Earnings Limit Year to Date" (data item 84) will be changed to allow non-zero amounts to be reported within the pence fields. · Validation on data item "Income Tax Year to which submission relates" (data item 18A) will be changed to ensure that the submission relates to a tax year that is no more than 2 years earlier than the current tax year. Updated RIM Artefacts (schema and validation rules) for the Internet channel and MIGs for the EDI channel will be made available by late November 2011. These revised validations will apply in the live (Production) environment used by those customers taking part in the REAL TIME INFORMATION UPDATE FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS

CIPP Policy News Journal

09/10/2012, Page 130 of 234

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