Policy News Journal - 2011-2012

Messages to individuals aim to increase understanding about what a workplace pension is, and of its benefits, ahead of the more detailed information they will receive when they are enrolled. The campaign includes advertising on radio, in national press and online. It links through to the Directgov website , where people can find more information about being enrolled. From February there will be a telephone line for those without online access. AUTOMATIC ENROLMENT STAGING DATE CHANGES FOR EMPLOYERS WITH LESS THAN 250 EMPLOYEES 29 JANUARY 2012 Automatic enrolment legislation will commence as planned, however if you are an employer with less than 250 employees you will be allocated new automatic enrolment dates between 1 April 2014 and 1 April 2015. Small employers will be allocated new dates between 1 June 2015 and 1 April 2017. All employers with an existing staging date of on or before 1st February 2014 are unaffected, so for those employers with more than 250 employees, their staging dates have not changed. Follow this link for further details 6 February 2012 Amendments to the regulations governing automatic enrolment have been published following the government’s response the workplace pension reform consultation on completing the legislative framework. The consultation looked at how to implement the recommendations of the Making Automatic Enrolment Work review, focusing on optional waiting periods and simplification of the certification process of existing pension schemes. The consultation also covered the occupations of seafarers, offshore workers and police not under a contract of employment which were not included in previous consultations. Further information: All relevant regulations, explanatory memos, impact assessments and technical guidance can be found on DWP's website . 6 February 2012 The key regulations for automatic enrolment were published last week by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The Government has now published the staging time bands that employers with less than 250 persons in their PAYE scheme will fall into. Staging dates are determined by the size of an employer’s largest PAYE scheme on the 1 April 2012 when it will become fixed. All staging dates are ‘likely’ dates until then as PAYE schemes may change size before 1 April 2012. REVISED AUTOMATIC ENROLMENT REGULATIONS PUBLISHED REVISED AUTOMATIC ENROLMENT STAGING DATE BANDS PUBLISHED

CIPP Policy News Journal

09/10/2012, Page 153 of 234

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