King's Business - 1938-01



January, 1938

HOWTOAVOID Embarrassing Mistakes 7 in ENGLISH Sherwin Cody’s remarkable invention has enabled more than 115,000 peo­ ple to correct their mistakes in English. Only 15 minutes a day required to im­ prove your speech and writing. E VERY day, every minute, y o u are engaged in an ef­

Points and Problems The lesson this week deals with a man possessed with demons, and the record re­ veals a number of deeply interesting facts about these strange beings. 1. Demons are literal and personal be­ ings. No interpreter who takes the words of Christ seriously can reach any other con­ clusion. 2. They are unclean (Mk. 5:2). This un­ cleanness must be moral because the term could have no other meaning with refer­ ence to spirits. 3. Many of them may possess the body of a single human being (v. 9 ). The word, “Legion” suggested the Roman company with its six thousand men, though it is not necessary to take this number literally. But there were enough to possess the bodies of two thousand swine. 4. Their nature is unspeakably cruel. Note the various cases in the New Testa­ ment where they torment their vjctims. If we wonder what possible satisfaction they can derive from such cruelty, the same question may be asked about some human criminals in our modern days. If a sinful man can become hardened in his cruelty in a short lifetime of a few years, think of the condition that could be reached by demons who have been existing for thousands of years in their sin. 5. Demonic possession may cause serious mental disorders (v. 5). When the demons were cast out, the man regained his “ right mind” (v. 15). Probably none o f us can imagine how much of the present insanity in the world may have been caused by demonic activity. 6. Demonic possession may also produce physical abnormalities (v. 4 ). The abnor­ mal strength displayed by the demoniac is similar to that which is sometimes displaved by human beings under hypnotism. The body under control is driven to unusual feats of strength. 7. The demons are able to use the organs of the body which they possess (v. 12). They speak through the lips of the man. 8. They sometimes produce the psycho­ logical phenomenon of dual personality. (Note the change from the singular pro­ noun “My” to the plural "ave” in verse 9.) 9. T o be cast out of a body is torment for the demons (vs. 7, 8). Tw o or three young men, who were once visiting Washington, went into the National Museum. On one of the cabinets was a label with these words: “ The body of a man, weighing one hundred and fifty-four pounds.” “Where is the man?” asked one of the young men. No one answered him. In the cabinet were two jars o f water and other jars in which were phosphate of lime, carbonate of lime, potassium, sodium, and other chemicals. Another section held a row of clear glass jars filled with gases— hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. The ma­ terials in those cabinets were given in ex­ act proportion as combined in an ordinary man. After looking at the assortment for [ Continued on page 22] Golden Text Illustration M a t t h e w 12:12

of unclean spirits speaking through them. The remembrance of this fact should make us peculiarly sympathetic with those who speak terrible blasphemies against our Lord, and should make us yearn for their deliverance. II. T he P ow er o f J esus (11-13) Our Lord had only to speak, and He was obeyed even by the demons. They knew who He was and were fearful lest He had come to torment them before the time of their appointed punishment. They ad­ dressed the Lord by His millennial name, “ Son of the most high God,” thus reveal­ ing their understanding of future judg­ ments. In the mind of the demonized man, there was confusion. Note the response to the query, “What is thy name?” W e read: “ He answered, saying, my name is Legion: for

fort to make people think favorably of you. It makes no difference w ho you are o r what your position is in the schem e o f things, you w ant to advance, you w ant to step forw ard and higher. W hat you use m ost in this un­ ceasing effort to estab­ lish and im prove your­

self is the English you speak and write. It is very easy to fa ll into error, fo r English has ac­ quired thousands of foieign words and phrases that make it a snare for the careless. Clothes and manners are veneers that may gain you some favor for a little time. But your language reveals you as in the search­ ing glare of a calcium light. Wonderful New Invention For many years Mr. Cody studied the problem of creating instinctive habits of using good English. After countless experiments he finally invented a simple meth­ od by which you can acquire a better command of the English language in only 15 minutes a day. Now you can stop making the mistakes which have been hurting you. Mr. Cody's students have secured more improve­ ment in five weeks than previously had been obtained .by other pupils in two years1 Learn by Habit— Not by Rules Under old methods rules are memorized, but correct habits are not formed. Finally the rules themselves are

forgotten. The new Sherwin Cody method provides for the formation of correct hab­ its by calling to your atten­ tion constantly only the mis­ takes you yourself make. One of the wonderful things about Mr. Cody's course is the speed with which these habit-forming practice drills can be carried out. You can write the answers to fifty questions in 15 minutes and correct your work in 5 min­ utes more. The drudgery and work of copying have been ended by Mr. Cody! You concentrate always on your own mistakes until it be­ comes “ second nature'* to speak and write correctly. FREE— Book on English ■A- new book explaining Mr. Cody's remarkable method is ready. If you are ever embar­ rassed by mistakes in gram­ mar, spelling, punctuation, pronunciation, or if you can not instantly command the exact words with which to express your ideas, this new free book. “ How You Can Master Good English—in 15 Minutes a Day," will prove a revelation to you. Send the coupon, .or a letter or postal card for it now. SHERWIN CODY SCHOOL OF ENG­ LISH, 731 Searle Building. Rochester, N. Y.

Receives Two Salary Increases “ I can frankly say that my last two in­ creases in salary were largely due to my im­ provement in English, as influenced by the course." C. A. P. (Washington) Great Business and Social Benefits “ I am a secretary and handle a large amount of correspond­ ence. Your course has built up my vocabu­ lary; made me accu­ rate in spelling and punctuation. I now en­ joy myself at social functions, knowing that I use proper English and, t h r o u g h your course, can express my­ self in more colorful language/' Miss L. M. L. (Illinois) "Has Helped Me— and My Children" “ I wanted to correct my English and there­ by help my children acquire correct habits of speech. Your course has not only helped me, but also my ehil-. dren in school." H. J. H. (Oregon) .

SHERW IN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, 731 Searle Building, Rochester, N . Y . Please send me, without any obligation on my part, your new free book, "How You Can Master Good English-—in 15 Minutes a Day.” Name —— ......1...-----------------— ------.......— ........----------- Address ...;___ ................................................................

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