Lagan College Prospectus 2023

ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY Attendance is a vital factor in academic achievement. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child’s attendance is as high as possible and that their child arrives on time – before 9.05am for Form Class. If a student is ill, a parent should phone the College on the first day of absence and a letter explaining the reason for the absence must be given to the student’s Form Tutor on the first day of return to school. Students must never leave the College premises at any time without the specific permission of the Head of Year, the Vice Principals or the Principal. Medical and dental appointments should be made outside school hours and family holidays should not be taken during term-time. These absences can place students at an educational disadvantage when they return to school. Given the requirements of the Northern Ireland Curriculum, time will not permit the teacher to cover the missed classwork in detail. Students are expected to behave appropriately at all times and display good manners, courtesy and the College’s core values of respect, equality, service and reconciliation. The school does not tolerate bullying of any sort be that racism, sectarianism, homophobic bullying, gender bias or ageism. We continue to implement our Positive Behaviour Policy and we are extremely proud of our students who are caring, thoughtful, kind and take seriously their role as ambassadors for the College. Lagan College’s Anti Bullying Policy and Positive Behaviour Policy are issued to all families. POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR Homework is an important reinforcement and continuation of work covered in class and is set regularly throughout the school. In the first year, homework should take 40 minutes to one hour each night. This increases to one and a half hours per night in Year 10 and two hours in the senior school. Parents are asked to contact the College if the amount of homework set appears to be either too much or too little for the student concerned. Students carry a Student Planner for the recording of homework. Two way communication between teachers and parents using the Homework Planner is encouraged and parents are expected to sign homeworks for students in Years 8 – 10. A Homework Policy is in operation which sets out clearly the roles of students, staff and parents with regard to homework. Copies are available on request. HOMEWORK

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