Trie International Je\? A Summarp of the Recent Articles Concerning the Jews,
W ith Some Scriptural Light Bj> REV. CHARLES C. COOK
phrase, ‘‘The International ” is th e motto o f one of strangest and most inter- lg efforts th is country has
For ambitious planning, ruthless schem ing, skillful deceit, knowledge of human psychology, cunning diplomacy, deep treachery and racial aspirations nothing can be conceived to surpass w hat is con tained in these documents. The solidarity of a unique and clever race, w ith all its wealth, intellect and power is consecrated to the one great purpose of world-control. There is to be a government and a king, w ith real authority over all mankind. To accomplish this purpose all is made to bend. Loyalty to present governments is a pretense; patriotism , a sham ; they are all alike to be sacrificed when opportunity offers. There are no favorites, and no means are to be despised. The existing form of government, in any given coun try , is to be destroyed whether it be monarehial, democratic, socialistic or Bol shevist;—anything to create unrest and confusion, so th a t th e Jew may eventually secure control and perfect his world-state out of the universal chaos, as Napoleon w rought his empire out of the ruins of the French Revolution. The claim is not made th a t all Jews by any means are aware of th is vast scheme, or th a t they are working together in harmony for any definite end. I t is ad m itted th a t they are divided into a n ta g onistic classes such as capitalism , social ism, etc., and are frequently working at cross purposes, each in furthering its own designs; but the argum ent is th a t when in due tim e the plan begins to tak e the form of success and is revealed to them, all Jews,— so strong is th eir racial tie—w ill join in close ranks and unitedly march to th e glorious consummation. The reading of th is revelation is the most fascinating of experiences. I t ex cels all fiction in its strange narration and
ever seen. I t is the endeavor of certain w riters under the patronage of Mr. H enry Ford, and w ith editorials in his weekly paper “ The Dearborn Independent” as th e ir channels of expression: to prove a world wide conspiracy on the p a rt of leading Jews to seize th e reins of government of all nations' and so to> rule the world. The same endeavor is made by an anony mous w riter in England whose medium is a book entitled “ The Cause of th e World U n rest.” Both of these efforts receive th eir in spiration from certain documents called “ The Protocols of the Elders of Z ion,” which \vere published in book-form in Russia some years ago, and though the edition was bought up and destroyed, sup posedly by Jew ish influence, y et stray copies remained which were translated into other languages and in due tim e fell into the hands of th e leading governments and, it is alleged, have been th e cause of se rious discussion. These Jew ish Protocols are supposedly the instructions given by persons in high authority, in lectures to certain selected Jew s in train ing for th e p arts they were to play in carrying out the great scheme. Some one is supposed to have tak en sur reptitious notes of these oral_ communica tions, or from memory to have w ritten them, from which source came th e book in Russia, and la te r th eir wide circula tion, for they have been freely quoted by th e w riter of the book “ The Cause of the W orld’s U n rest,” so th a t th e proto cols may now be read by anyone.
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