Jan. 4 —
Profaning the Day of Rest
Neh. 13:15-18
Y o u r B lu e p r in t f o r C o n v e r s io n E ach of us wants a right relationship with God. And it would seem that the main problem standing in the way of such a relationship is lack of direction. I live in Hollywood and to get to work each day I drive over part of our intricate maze of freeways that lead into Los Angeles. These freeways are de signed without a single stop sign or intersection. They are a brilliant feat of engineering. But for the uninitiated this free w ay system presents a rather frightening situation. You simply must know where you ’re going and how to get there before you start. In traveling these freeways if your directions are wrong your destination also will be wrong. Isn’t this true of life? W ithout proper direction the task of finding a right relation ship with God is hopeless. It isn’t that we intentionally dis regard a clear-cut direction to a right relationship with God. Isn’t it more that we do not clearly understand the w ay God would have us come to H im? I think so. It is a truism that God is far more anxious to show us the way to Himself than we are to seek the way to Him. And because He does greatly desire us to have a right relationship with H im He has pro vided a blueprint for us to follow. To be converted— to be changed— from a philosophy of life that has no real inner meaning to one that is rich and full- orbed is to but come to Christ in simple faith. Christ is our blueprint for conversion to a life that is acceptable to God. Here’s what the Bible has to say about com ing to God. “ But as many as received him, [Christ] to them gave he power to become the sons o f God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1 :12 ). Again in John 14:6 Christ Himself says, “ I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” This is a wonderful statement. It is what your seeking heart has been longing for. In Christ is the adequate answer to all you r deep longings. No matter how many times you ’ve failed. No matter what you r past or you r present. Christ is the way. And He loves you with an infinite love. You know there’s a God-size vacuum in your heart. There is one in every heart. Christ alone is big enough to fill that vacuum. There is no need to go on in indecision. God never meant for you to have doubt about your relationship with Him. He has made provision for you to come to Him. Your blueprint for conversion was worked out on the Cross when Christ offered Himself for our sins. Coming to God through Christ is not something for your future; it is something for your present. Your need is now, and right now Christ is the answer to that need. — L. H. IF you have found in this short article a way of life that you would like, we urge you now— this very moment— to yield your will to His will and in doing so find that in Christ is Life. If you have a question, or if we can be of help in any way, please write us. We shall be happy to send you a copy of the Gospel of John. It is yours free for the asking. Address: The Editors, King's Business, 558 S. Hope, Los Angeles 17, Calif.
Jan. 5 —
A Firm Decision
Josh. 24:14-16
Jan. 6 ——
A Refuge and a Fortress
Psa. 9 1 :1 ,2
Jan. 7 —
Idolatry Forbidden
Deut. 4:15-19
Jan. 8 —
The Creation of Man
Gen. 2 :2 6 , 27
HEART OF THE LESSON The first four commandments have to do with man’s relation to God. They set
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The column on the right is for those who have not yet found Christ as Saviour. We have arranged these monthly columns for handy clipping in order that you might give or mail them. Won't you clip this month's col umn right now and use it as the Lord leads? (Four of these columns have been put in tract form. For samples send self-addressed, stamped envelope.) ★ ★ ★
forth the basic duties of men to God and describe their expected attitude toward Him. Let us note that we do not come to the giving of the Ten Commandments until after the Hebrews had been delivered from the bondage of Egypt and had been brought to Mount Sinai where they be came a nation. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. Who is the author of the command ments? (20:1.) 2. What had God done for His people? (v. 2.) Apply this truth to the Christian today: has God not brought him out of the Egypt of his sin and set him free? (cp. 1 Thess. 1:9,10, etc.) 3. What is the first commandment? (v. 3.) What does this commandment for bid? How may this commandment be dis obeyed? How do men disobey it today? 4. What is the second commandment? (w . 4-6.) 5. Why does God make this prohibition of the second commandment? 6. Does this mean that it is sinful to fall down before shrines, images, etc., to day? 7. What is the consequence of disobey ing this commandment? (v. 5a.) 8. What is the promised blessing that follows obedience of the second command? (v. 6.) 9. What is the third commandment? (v. 7.) 10. What is the meaning of this com mandment? How is the name of the Lord taken in vain? 11. What is the warning attached to this commandment? (v. 7b.) 12. What is the fourth commandment? (w . 8-11.) 13. Why did God give this command ment to Israel? (cf. 31:12-17.) 14. How do we know that the seventh day is not binding on believers in this dispensation? (cf. Acts 20:7; Col. 2:14-17.) 15. How is the sabbath to be kept? CONTINUED ►
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