King's Business - 1954-12

Christian Education

THERE ÄHt x u n d i s c o v e r e d 0 ^ f e o s u r e s awaiting every IN THESE BOOKS BY ^ A . B. SIMPSON These great devotional classics help the hungry-hearted find a fuller, richer, more satisfying life in Christ. “WALKINGINTHE SPIRIT” $1.00 (paper cover) $2.25 (cloth bound) A practical book on triumphant Christian living. “THE HOLYSPIRIT” (in 2 volumes) $2.75 a volume— $5.00 a set Thrilling exposition of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments. “DAYS OF HEAVENONEARTH" $2.50 Beautiful, refreshing devotional readings for every day. Attractively bound. “A LARGERCHRISTIAN LIFE” $2.65 A soul-thrilling book on the astounding po­ tentials of the Christian life. "CHRIST INTHE BIBLE” 24 volumes $2.00 a volume:— $45.00 a set Unique Bible exposition, tracing the Lord Jesus Christ through the Old and New Tes­ taments. Covers 16 books of Old, 25 books of New Testament. ORDER INTIME FOR CHRISTMASI




Illustrated by Gladys Bowman Jan. 9, 1955 T h in k in g and T h a n k in g OBJECT: A piece of paper 8% x 11 inches. (Fold each end to within lA inch of the middle, leaving a gap of 1/2 inch. In this space print the word “ FATHER.” On the left-hand side near the top, print “ GOD,” and on the right-hand side near the top the word “ OUR.” Open the paper and, using the letters of the word “ FATH­ ER,” complete the following words: “ LIFE, B R E A T H , S H E L T E R , CLOTHING, BREAD and WATER.” ) LESSON: We are studying about God, the Father of all who have accepted His Son, Jesus Christ, as a personal

Elmer L. Wilder, Th.D. Jan. 2, 1955 H u n g r y H earts

OBJECTS: A milk bottle, a hard-boiled egg and a thermos bottle filled with boiling water. (Peel the egg just be­ fore the lesson, so that the surface will still be moist. Experiment as to the effectiveness of your thermos bot­ tle in keeping the water near boiling heat for the interval between filling the bottle and teaching the lesson.) LESSON: This bottle, like many boys’ and girls’ hearts, is empty. This egg, pure and white, reminds us of the Bible, God’s Word. The empty hearts of boys and girls need the Word of God. The bottle refuses to let the egg enter. Although unsaved people need the Bible, still they often do not want it; and many times they refuse to receive it, just as this bottle refuses the clean white egg. People have often noticed that their attitude toward the Bible has in­ stantly changed as soon as they have accepted Christ as Saviour and have been converted. This thermos bottle has hot water in it, and I am going to let the water represent conversion, when the Holy Spirit comes into a person’s heart and makes him love the things he once hated. We will pour the hot water into the bottle, and then out again quick­ ly and see what happens. Notice that the egg is quickly sucked into the bottle. It is this way in life. When


Saviour. This piece of paper has “ GOD OUR FATHER” printed on it. If we open the paper, I am sure we shall find mentioned some of the many things that our heavenly Father provides for His children. Yes, we find “ LIFE, BREATH, S H E L T E R , CLOTHING, BREAD, WATER.” It is well for us to re­ member that our heavenly Father gives us life. First He gave us our natural life, and then when we ac­ cept Christ as our Saviour, He gives us spiritual life. We seldom find people thanking God for breath, but that is something He gives all. In Acts 17:25 we read, “ Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.” We often make the mistake of thinking that our earthly fathers give us the shelter we enjoy, but it is the heavenly Father who makes it pos­ sible for our earthly fathers to earn money with which to buy or rent our houses. Our clothing comes from the store, but it is God who provides the materials out of which our clothes are made. Bread and water are suggestive of the food we eat. Our heavenly Father sends the sunshine and rain, causing the plants and animals to grow. Our

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people come to know Christ, they are eager for the Bible. They cannot get enough, and from then on, they are hungry for the Word of God. You might have tried for a long period of time, and without success, to get this bottle to receive the egg. The hot water changed the bottle’s attitude toward the egg. Conversion changes the attitude of the people to­ ward the Bible.

101 new and beautiful, titled, hymn slides in natural, full-color. These are authentic pictures of the Holy Land, attractively lettered with favorite hymns of the Church. Must be seen to be appreciated. To send for sample slide on approval, together with list ®f hymn and scene titles, write to: PALESTINE HYMN SLIDES, JUANITA STUDIOS 92 North Los Robles Ave., Pasadena 1, Calif.



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