
Trek sets out

Move it! Parking space

to pinpoint

hogs on Main



In a small town, everyone not only knows your name — everyone also seems to


know your parking habits.

Lingering laments about parking space hogs, two in particular, sparked a recent

discussion at Hawkesbury town council.

CouncillorsMarcTourangeauand JohannePortelancehadsuggested that a two-hour

parking limit on Main Street East be imposed fromMcGill to John Streets.

Two well-known culrpits

Ottawa Riverkeeper has embarked

The suggestion stems from complaints that two merchants hog spots, parking their

on a 900-kilometre journey to pinpoint

vehicles in spots that could be used by customers.

the prime sources of pollution on the

But their council colleagues noted that the town ought not alter a by-law because of

Ottawa River.

the actions of two people.

Riverkeeper Meredith Brown and a

Since the identityof theoffenders is commonknowledge, the simplest courseof action

team of expert educators, scientists,

adventurers, paddlers, photojournalists


and historians set off July 4.

allowed Councillor Alain Fraser.

“Having an in-depth understanding

The town will ask the Business Improvement Area Commission to take care of the

of the current health of the riverwill help


File photo

us take action to prevent continued

The problem of all-day parkers has become acute since 2004 when the municipality

Meredith Brown entered the debate

degradation and enforce the protective

removed parking meters at the request of the Downtown Business Improvement Area

over the clean-up of the former CIP

regulations that are otherwise being


waste lagoon in Hawkesbury.

overlooked,” says Brown. “At the same

time, we recognize that protecting our

local waterways is a community

responsibility. We can’t rely on

government agencies to do the work – if

we want swimmable, drinkable and

fishable water, it’s up to all of us.”

Armed with state-of-the-art water


capabilities, the team is travelling from

Fort Témiscamingue to Montréal,

collecting real-time water quality

samples, which will be used to create a

report card of the rivers’ true health and

shine a spotlight on the region’s worst

water pollution offenders. The project

also aims to raise awareness about local

water issues and inspire a stronger sense

community water stewardship and

citizen participation.

FromAugust 13 toAugust 20, a group

of ten students, aged 14 to 17, will travel

with the expedition team from Des

Joachims to Portage-du-Fort, QC.

This “Future Leaders” program,

organized in partnership with Canadian

Canoe Foundation, will inspire students


andprovide the toolsandskillsneededto

explore academic or professional careers

in the field. For more information, visit

Last summer, the organization

brought together leaders for a summit on

the state of the watershed.

Murky jurisdiction is one of the main

reasons the group decided to call the get-


The Ottawa River watershed drains

an area of 1,467,000 square kilometres, a

territory that includes about 90


Vankleek Hill Baptist Church

156 Main St E., Vankleek Hill


Calvin Smith of CMI-Canada

Sunday July 17, 2011 6:00 p.m. Genesis: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle 7:10 p.m. Evolution: What are the Facts?

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