Thr Most Sptcttrultr
turned around he was crying and also beaming and smiling. Jayapataha Maharaja, my Dad, and Jananivasa Prabhu were all dancing together. Jayapataha Maharaja was crying as well. I will nevu, et,er Jorget that day. It was, as a non-devotee would say, "Heaven on earth." When the deities arrived They were so potent alrmdy, I didn't even they nu.ded to be installed. Yott could frcl that They were already so alive-They just went through that process of being installed so the devotees could se,e T'hem in that benuti{ul bathing ceremony and .feel more aJfection for Thent. .IAYA JAYA Srl Paica-tattva !! Askecl how he felt seeing the deities complete and watching the devotees'reactions to the first darshan, Radhakrishna, the sthapati who casL the deities, replied, "l was standing at the front of the altar, but when the doors opened and the devotees roared with delight, I was thinking I should have stood behind the deities so I could see the look of joy on the flaces of the devotees, to see their longing to see the Lord." During the abhisdta ceremony at the installation, which Radhakrishna describes as "the most grand abhiseha I have ever seen anywhere," he was amazed at the devotees' reactions: tears of joy poured frorn their eyes, and their ]ove flor the deities was evident in their" chanting and in their blissful faces. When asked how he felt about leaving the deitics in the care o[ devotccs in Maydpur, Radhakrishna said, "Usually the father likes to see the son is very well situated, not cloing as well as the [ather, but better. Similarly, when I made Lord Caitanya and His associates, They became like rny sons." Radhakrishna was quiet lbr a few monrents, choosing his words carefully. "When I saw how everyone was worshipping thc Lord so nicell', with sc'r much love, I was very happy." He lifted the corner of his cloth, wipirTg the tears frorn his eyes. "l can say witl-r con[idence, 'the son is doing very nicely."' It is evident that Radhakrishna is pleasecl with the outcorne. "l have macle many
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