Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Eightetn Da-ys - -Sri Pd,icd-tdlrv.r's Mdyapur-lila

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sat amongst His closest associates, appearing like the full moon amidsl a starry firmatnent. He had stopped their dance of ecstasy to consicler the plight o[ His sarilirtana movemenr. They heard Srila Bhakrisidclhar-rta Sarasvati's report of their mission's stagnation. The Lord's eyes welled with tears. He had colne to benefit the whole world, not just to change a few "You have made so many clisciples," Srila Bhaktivinoda interjected. "Will none clare cross the ocean?" "A few have, but they returned unsuccessful. The Yavanas are in control everlvrhere, even in Inclia." Tears washed the Lorcl's golden cheeks. He turned to NdmAcirya Hariclasa Thakura: "My dear Haridasa, what about your promise? You said the holy name would deliver everyone. Now it seems not even a semblance o[ the holy name remains?" Haridasa stared clowncast as all the Lord's associates flelt the burden of His concern. Haridasa Thakura finally took courage: "My Lord, You know everything, so what can we say? Although You are the master of all, You willingly place Yourself uncler Your Yogamdyd potency, who causes forgetfulness. With this apparent human frailty You clraw us ever closer. My dear Lord, everyone knows You recently emp- tiecl the universe by delivering all the conditioned souls; then again You filled ir up. If You like, You can easily deliver the conditioned souls time alter time. But You prefer to have Your clevotee take the credit by perfonning this miraculous task. My Lord, may I therefore remind You that some rime ago, knowing Kali's influence would spread, You dispatchecl Your dearest clevotee, the servant o[ Sarasvati Gosvatnt, to earth. He is busy preparing himself at that very place where Srila Rupa Gosvami once perforrned his bha.jana. My Lord, surely You know rhis, ancl so does Rupa Gosvdmi. Bhaktivinocla Thakura, who preclicted his corning, and of colrrse his son Bhaktisicldhanta Sarasvati, are also well aware. Perhaps due to hurlility none will remincl You. My Lord, may Your anxiety be vanquished, for the dehver- ance of the world is near at hand." Sri Caitanya Mal-raprabhu tllrned tcl Rupa Gosvami: "What do you know of rhis?" "My Lord, what HaridAsa Thikura has said is rrue. He is speaking o[ Sri Abhay


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