Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

I:ightecn Da.ys - S ri Panco- tdll!o,s Mstipur-lilq

A Whole New Era of Gauranga's Mercy Jananiyasa Prabhu - Panca-tattva are saying, "We are here now. We are here and We are here to stay, don't yotr fleel Us? We are being very magnanimous, We are going to give you a glirnpse, We are just letting Our mercy ollr freely, Our pres- ence-you can see Us, vou can [ee] Us in your heart." Everybody was saying the installation was like a different yuga;i't. lneans that in Theirpr:esence... They mani- fest a different presence, Their presence is not Kali-yuga, it is not Satya-yuga, it's not any yugo, it's a new experience; it's a spiritual experience. It's not a mundane experience, it was beyoncl everything else-Lord Caitanya was manilesting His presence. We are in the material world, we have just forgotten all our spiritual experiences, we cannot compare it to anything we knclw. That's how it should be all the 1lm6'-v7e are spirit soul, we shoulcl be in that presence all tlre time. It's a mind and heart experience; there is no question of philosophy here. It's something you all are going to take in your hearts and you are going to takg it with you. Everybody is saying that there is a new era that is coming. There is a letter from Srila Prabhupacla where he says that we have this rnuch lancl and this much money, we are going to build this big temple-kind o[ exaggerating everyrhing, but now we have all these things. Then he says that when Lord Caitanya's desire becomes manifest, then all these things can become possible. This is what I feel about this festival-They are saying, "We are manif'est, Our will is manifest, now it is up to you to keep it going." Bhaktivinode Thakr-rra says all this in Navadvtpa-dhamaMahailnya; it coincicles with right now. At the end of 400 years again the task o[ rediscovering Miyzlpur, so 100 years ago they rediscovered the birth place of Lord Caitanya. Then eisab ghat gahgatlre punar habe prabhu mandira horiben bhahti sabe , "Again these ghdtns will be built up on the banks o{'the Ganges, and the clevotees will build the terlples oI the Lord." The bathing ghatas are coming, the temples are coming, we are seeing all this happening, these are all the preclictions. Now the Paflca-tattva are here,


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