Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila


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A Wholr'Nrw

narroq the trolley brol<e, then it got a puncture-every step took ages and ages, and He was showing us He was hcre. Ancl yes. He's here, but it's nol just that we can sit back and sax "OK, I-le's hcrc noq" No, every step was so clifficult, we had to fight every part of the process to get Him in. And that's what it's like; everyorle has to work really hard. I realized then, tlrat's not it: Ytltt're showing us, this is what You wanted, "Here I am, ancl now is the time to really work hard to preaclt Kflna consciousness." A 72 hour ltlrtana had been arrangecl for thc three day installatior"r, ancl what a hTrtarual Most o[ thc ISKCON kirtanier grcats were thcre, even Aindra Prabhu who doesn't take a step outside Vrndavana. The hirtana hacl built up to a crescendo by the evening o[ tl"rc first darshan-1hou5^n.1s of devotecs were dancing and chanti- ng, the holy name was resouncling, there was not an inch o[ space where the Lorcl's presence could not be felt. The curtains openecl ancl a roar went up that must have penetrated the covering of the universe . The darshan rvas overwhelnring, Srt Panca-tattva wcre here ancl giving Themselves totally. The Lord had already enterecl the clevotees'hearts through their eerrs by the ecstatic lirtana, and now His mercy was pouring in through tl'reir eyes and their alreacly-saturated hearts coutd not contain it. Sotne were looted to the spot. Some wcre jurnping up and down, somc itrst shaking their heads in disbelief, but every one was chanting the natne of Gauringa. For many the experience ol'that tnoment changed tl-re clirection ol their lives. After the adivasa ceremony was over, we closed the doors to prepare for the shayan (sleeping) adivasa, many senior clevotees wcrc still insicle the deity roorn but no one wanted to leave, no one was talking, evcryone was nlesmerized looking up at tlre lovely faces o1'Sri Panca-tattva as if drinking Their beauty: Sripdda Bhakti Tirtha Swami r.vas blinking rapidly and swallowing heavily. Sripada Radhanath Maharaja was softly chanting the maha-mantra, tears gliding down his cheeks. [t was nol an easy thing to do to ask everyonc to leave but the show had to go on. And what an incredible show it proved to be, quite unlike anything we ever saw at


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