Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Eigftlccn Doys - S ti P.tnci- tottUo's il{ri]ttpur'-lil -

nothing I have ever cxperiencecl, sewing those outfits. We spreacl out several olcl sdris o[rnine and laid out the chadar.s. One group ol matajls workecl on the veran- dah with my calf watching them, and another group worked insicle. Several other matajls also sewed rnirrors onto the lace. One of the ladies, who hacl been studying in VrnclAvana for her Bhakti Vaibhava degree, was telling stories oI Lord Caitanya in Russian. At other times I played hlrtana CDs. When I put in a Inore western soundirrg CD one o[the matajls saicl: "No, Mdfijl, no...l" I remer.nberecl I had some devotional songs sungby a Russian mdtaji, then they saicl, "Oh, very trice, very nice," ancl sang along with it. The deities wore the outfit on the fourth day, and for the last couple o[ days beflore that, it was too far lbr most of the ladies to come to my hut, so we were all sitting clown in the basement underneath Radha Maclhava's altar. All these Russiar, mdtdjls, they wanted to go on pariltranta the next day, so they finished very fast. It was nice, personal service-l had to go on the arltar and try the dhotis on Them several times, so I was in there while Bhakta Gana ancl Kanta Devi were painting the faces. There was miles of lace to sew on this set, and I worked day and night to get it finished. On the morning They were meant to wear lhe set, I called Par-rkajinghri Prabhu at 3.30arn to send one oI his boys to get tlle last pieces oI the set from my house. From that timc I learned horv dedicated these Russian mAfiIs are . They are always thinking o[ Krsna ancl how to serve Him. I admire their devotion very much. Ancl this is coming from a Gerrnan lacly!

Jahnudr,lpa Ddsa

The installation of the Maha-Par"rca-tattva is no cloubt one o[ the highlights of rny clevoLional li[e. The whole event leacling up to it was amirzing ancl mystical. For many clays beflore They actually arrivcd in Mayapur every()ne was whispering in the corners, "Paflca-tattva is coming, Parica-tat.tva is coming." lt was a little strange


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