Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Eightern Dc1,s - Sri Paica-tattlats Mtyqpur-lila

ley slapped me very hard on rny back, as I was in his way. Immediately I said to myself: "Who am I to try to step on this sacred altar? The Lord doesn't want me here." So I stepped down and I did not try any longer to be part of the team of brahmins who were going to execute all the installation procedures, even though this had been my dream. Thus from that day on I only observed from a distance and prayed to some day be qualified to be able to offer some personal service to the Lord. The day of the grand abhiseha arrived, and I felt sad, but also in some way thank- ful that Vanamdli and Ciddnanda, my sons, were going to be assistants to the brzh- tnins who would perform the abhiseha. I was trying to situate rnyself in the crowd to be witnessing the event, but at the last minute the main priest in charge of the team of brahmins called me from the middle of the crowd: "Hey Prahldd Nrsirirha! We are waiting for you! Come up here. Where have you been? Here is your set o[ cloth." After been properly dressed and purified, he told me to go up there on the scaffold at the side of Srivisa Thikura and assist by receiving the hearry halasa-s for the Lord's bath. I was conternplatir-rg in disbelief rny good fortune while beholding the Lord's lotus eyes and charming srnile so close, experiencing His unlimited Mercy. How could I ever think that the most magnanimous Lorcl dicln't want me? Trying to repay Their mercy, I prayed to Their Lordships: "Please allow me to teach chanting 'Hare Krishna' to at least 5 people per day, for the two rnonths of rhe upccrnring Pr:lish Tour." I bought the neem japabeads, dipped them in the Gahgd, and kcpt praying all the way to Poland for Guru and Gauringa's n"rercy. By Their grace I was success[Il-355 souls eagerly received Srila Prabhupida's books and sincerely learned to chant at least one round a day.

Sri Mayapur-dhama hi jaya!Sn Paflca-tattva hi.jaya!


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