Twice in One Age They Come
Then one unique amongst them all, one thing set him apctrt,
lust as Bhahtivinode had hnown tha,t one day soon he'd. see
The mission oI his guru Jirmly plante d in his he art,
Foreigners from far and wide chanting here in Navatlvlp,
Prabhupada leJt tht shore s oJ home and plante d in the world
Prabhupada had plans; he hnew Lo rd N ity ananda's vision- A temple rising Jrom the toil oJ hands from many nations And now the ground of Mayapur is trod by many Je et From far and vtide the pilgrims come to taste this land so sweet;
The Jragile seed oJ bhahti; and watched Lt's soft leaves unfurl
Agatn the globe resounded, Lhe same divinc vLbration
As when the Jive Lords had once spread out across the natiotr;
It's not a dream, imagination, though it sounds absurd,
But thts time there was something more , a taslt to be achieved, To tahe Caitanya's mcssage f urthe r than beJore pcrcetuecl
To believe S11 Maydpur is lhe spiritual world.
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