E r,ghl c e il D ays, - S t i i a tu,c A,--t aara v o, e lr{rjiy iF,ut. ti.[ &
v'ery odrefull}l.arrd as they are dessibedL. VV€ harie uied to describe them as far as possible for being understood by us, but we should he very careful.
'ir1-Wyy1a-caitany,eprabku-nitydtto;nda; Sri-ilvattagailadherfr Srl,r,asedi.gaurc-Wrahta_vryfu
[I offer nry obeibances rO Srl l<ygqla ealranya, prab.]ru Nit]ra anda, Sri Advatta, Gada-dhara, S,:rry6sa arldg,ll othcrs in t[,re iltne of de+o,tipn.l
Thank you very rnue.h.
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