Be hind Closcd Doors
fitting with the rest of the bodies.
And those bodies: what can I say... I have never seen anything n"rore beautiful, more inrricately carved. They're truly awe-inspiring. Their dhotis alone would floor anyone with an artistic sense and an eye for beauty. Arnazing small details all over Their bodies show the care and attention and experl,ise that has gone into produc- ing these deities. There is a prediction o[ 11,000 devotees attending the festival from around the world. I understand that the guesthouses here have bookings for 4,500, so we'll see what happens, but certainly the place is crowded. Yesterday was the first day that has been quite warm, so we can feel tl-re heat coming on now. lt's only a little over a week to the installation, and o[ course we're feeling the heat in that departnent already... It's definitely an exciting atmosphere being here: there's no doubt that something is happening, and everyone is teeling it. The arrival of the deities has created the most amazing feeling in the air, one o[ tension and anticipation and excitemeut. No one has gone untouched by this moodl if they have, then they are missing a heart in their chest...
I wish you all could be here
Friday F ebruary 73, 2004
In a further respoltse to Antardvipa's request for information abottt what is hap- pening here, I just wanted to share with you all today's evenls. HH Sridhara Maharaja arrived in Miydpur today, driven up to the doorway of the temple, surrounded by devotees performing hrrtana, welcomed by Gulab Kali, and carried either side by his godbrothers Jayapataka Swami and lndradyumna Swami. Doctors have given Maharaja a short time to live, and he has rnade his way to Mdyipur to be nursed in the loving embrace of the devotees here.
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