Ei.glrtecn Dtys - -Sri Par'rr<r-t.rttr,.r's MAyApur-lila
"I Have Brought My Lord"
Adt,aita Arr'ir'y'rr's wrtt tls .[rom Sri Caitanya-bhagavata (on1c to liJt in Nltr.t,dpur
Saturclay February 21, 2004 Srt Mayapur-dhdma
I clon't know if there are going to be enough worcls, enough acljectives to convey what went on here tonight, but I'm going to try as hard as I can... '[his morning, Saturclay the 2Ist February, the clisappearance day of Hl-l Tarndl KfSla Goswami, I was preparing to go to the ceremonies at his scmarlhi when the phone rang. It was Bhakta Gana, whose phone calls here lately bring with them bucket loads o[ nlcrcy from Sri Panca-tattva. This time it was more than I coulcl handle: clicl I want to come to the altar ancl polish the cleities and clress Thern, reacly for tonight's ceremony? I was practically speechlcss but managed a response that left her in no cloubt. She had a problem thougl'r: she wantecl me there at l Iam right when the ceremonies for rny spiritual master woulcl commence. I clicln't hesi- taLe: service was service, and how many opportunities were there for it in this life- tinre, what to speak o[ this kincl of intimate service ? Ancl anyway, how coulcl I pos- sibly have been askccl to do this without the mercy o[ the spiritual rnasrer? It was his hand, without a cloubt, ancl I was conficlent in knowing that he was right therr. with nre, giving me a huge dose of love and mercy on lris disappearance clay. I went by the samdtlhr, spent a fe'"v minutes with goclbrothers and goclsisters, explainecl the situation to Nrsiilrhatdcva Prabhu, who gave his blessings lor me ro extricirte myself from the ceremonies, ancl o[f I went. It was going tc-r be a long day. and t hacl no idea what t was in for. Neither dicl the thousancls of pilgrinrs and res- idents who are here....
It was announcecl cluring matigala-arali that in the evening, the nelra-urilnilinant
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