Eightccn Dtr.t,s Srt Pai.il-t(rttr.l,s M(i),(pilr-lil.i
LIla Avatara fronr New Talavan was also lherc, along with vijaya Radha, whose 11sw 5x1i-.1 deep shade of blue-hacl a problem with the dye running, ancl so her arms, hands and feet were covered with blue clye. It was a funny sight. Vrnclavana l-ili also showed ttp later, but Bhakta Gana kept throwing her our for taking pho- tos. Still, she catne back three tirnes, and finally stayed. She got her photos, and she got to bathe and polish the deitics. Avery determined girl... We started to rub the tanlarind onto the bodies ol Thcir Lordships. Everything was going fine, then suddenly I stopped: Advaita was turning black. Seriously black. And a rnurky, blotchy green. There wcre rnarks and stains all over His bocly, and I stcpped back, looking around forJananivasa Prabhu. He was rhcrc. in front ol' Nityananda, and I callecl to hirn, "This isn'[ rig]rt...something is wrong here..." as Aclvaita Acirya got blacker and blackcr. Everyonc caurc over to look, ancl thcre wcrc groans of clisappoirltlltcnt. [ear, all sorts. t hacl visions ol-Jagai embracing Lord Caitanya, whose bodv nrornentarily' turnecl black from absorbing the sir"r o[ Jagai, and conclnded it was possibly rhe same siruarion all overagain... good lor nrc, but not s() goocl fcrr Aclvaita Acirya_ In the mearltinre, while evcn,one had le [t the otl-rer deities to look at Advaita. thosc deities also startecl discoloring. Tl"rcrc was panic. Sure , wc were all accus- tomecl to tamarind, but we'cl never se cr) tl-ris. .Jananivasa was silcnt, staring at thc deititrs. I abandclned the tatnarind and started rubbing Advaita's bod,v with a soapy cloth. Meanwhile , Jananivasa was instructing, "Sto1l working on all the deities: everyone on Advaita!" sudclenly Advaita Acdrya ltad scven or cight rvomen rub- bing all His Iimbs, His I'ect, ancl His back. I was standing on His lorus srancl, between His leet, soaping furiously His chest and abdornen. As we polishccl, the black startecl to lift. So, too, did the sense of horror and visions oI irrcparablc damage. It seetrrs the Lord was dissatisficd with tlrc scrvice o{'one paltry scrvant: He wanted a real polishing. These aren't brass deities: thcy are made ol'eight prccious metals, ancl so some o[ tlrose metals rcacted with thc tamarind. we found a way in the e ncl to usc thc
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