Da.ys - .Sri Pcrira-tdrtro's Matopur-lila
touching his feet, blocking his path-a clevotional trademark o[ West Bengal
The nelra unmilinam ceremony was over, but the experience will remain in the hearts of the devotees forever.
Sunday February 22, 2004
Rlsarant - Today tht deities are goitrg Lo open again! This morning all the deyotees went in a processiott down to the Gahgd to get water.for the abhiseka. There was a mound of clay pots.[or the devotees to Jill up andbringbacle to the temple. Everyone was so hoppy. Some duotees had four pots with thent. My dad and I had one pot each, and we brought a plastic bottle .so I could get some water J'or my deities as well. Gulab Kali came to the riyer, cmel the temple pujiris brought a nice deity oj Ganga. Devl. Wt had a bath and filkd up oLLr pots, and went bach to the ttmple . It is so hot today. We were glad we got s chance to go to t'he Ganga. Outside, be'hind. Panca-tattva's temple room, thtre was a big tanlt Jor the devotees to pour all the Gahga water into. In the eveningwe went to the tentple to see Panca-tattva agdin. Tara and I sat on the platform beJore the altar with lots of other devotees. BB Govinda Maharaja lead another fabulous kirtan a. Eteryone was goittg wild. Then the curtains openecl! Again the roar was so loud and deafening. I thinh there are eyen more people here tonight. In Jront o[ the deities, on the first platform, there was a fire yajna going on. They did" this strange thing. First they tied one end o.f a long rope oJ kuSa grass to the stomach of the person who was doing the Jire yajAa. Then the rope was tied around the stomach oJ each of the deities. This is part oj the ceremony for wahing the limbs of the deities. Then they had some sannydsis and senior devotees on the altar holding long stichs made o/ kuSa grass. There was one deyotee standing on tlrc scaffolding above each deity, ancl one devotee on the Jloor in front of each deity. Each oJ them began touching yarious parts oJ the d.eities' bodies with the kuSa stichs. Srt Prahlada Prabhu was telling them what to do and saying mantras. fhey
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