Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila


The Most Sptcttcular

coming later. I wet"tt ahead because they were tahing too long, and I didn't want to be late. I wanted to mahe sure I got a good spot. AJter greeting the deities, I went oyer to Panca-tattva's side and saw that they had put up bamboo poles to divlde the temple room irL two sectiot'ts. There was one sec- tion for VIP's at the Jront and a section at the bach was for anybody who could get in there, and once it Jilled up they were goittgto shut oJf the 4att. The rest o.f the deyotees wouldhave to go through the movingline, or watch on the screens. Iwas trying to get into the YIP section because my Mum and Dad said they would meet me in there, but they wouldn't let me in. 5o I was hanging utound and I was really, really worried. I was loohing everywhere Jor them. Finally, I satv my Mum, she was at the ettr.crnce to the VIP section, so I waved to her ancl she told me to come arowtd to the bach of the temple to come in. But, when I got there , the guard wouldn't let me in. I was starting to feel really anxiotts, then one devotee ca,ne over and tttld thc guard to let me in. I was so rdieved. When I got in, I quichly went and chose a good spot. Slowly, the plcrce started to fill up. 5o many devotees wete coruing in-it was lihe a Jlood of people. We were sittirlg there for a really long time, wcritingJor the doors to open. Thett suddenly they opened. I loohed around at the section behind us, and saw there wds a huge Jrantic crowcl oJ devotees waiting ta get in. Then they opened the barrier and everyorle triecl to rush in. Some of the people at the front got trampled on. I wcts glad.I wasn't in there. Some big strollg men cleyotees went and pushed everybody baclt, afld wouldn't let anyone in rniless they enterecl in a civilized way. There was a bamboo pole barrier between otu' section and the other sedion. But when everybody had ntshed Jorwsrd they pushed against the barrier between us so hard, that it almost collapsed. lt was reetlly scary. I didn't hnow where -[ara was, and I .it+st hoped that somehow she would find a good spot to see .


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