Workforce Study (Cont’d from Page 1)
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According to the report, personalization, changing consumers preferences and the integration of digital technology are expanding growth for package printing in the United States. Changing consumer preferences and advances in digital technology and automation are expected to drive growth and opportunities for pack- age printing companies “to deliver more customized, high-quality labels faster and will reduce manual labor that printing companies’ staff are typically required to perform.” When it came to the labor market, the environmen- tal scan revealed two barriers to growth for U.S. com- panies: multiple job changes throughout a career and a lack of qualified workers. This has the potential to affect young people entering the labor market, who could assume there are not enough stable positions and career advancement opportunities in package printing. Changing Workforce Regarding demographic trends, the report stated that although the demographic makeup of the workforce is changing, organizations and companies are slow when it comes to removing barriers to entry and creating advancement opportunities. Companies that embrace these changes “may find themselves well-positioned to attract and retain the next generation of professionals.” “When seeking and accepting a new job, individuals may consider the experience and opportunities for ca- reer advancement, as well as the level of diversity and inclusion.” According to the report, a growing youth population means there may be a need for more affordable, en- try-level training and education. In order to attract and retain Millennial and Generation Z workers, compa- nies may need to re-examine how entry-level employ- ees contribute to decision-making in the workplace, and managers and supervisors will need to understand what motivates the next generation of professionals. The study found more students are enrolled in trade schools, with the number of apprentices and bache- lor’s degrees having increased in recent years. But those wishing to increase their skillset outside of a tra- ditional four-year, postsecondary program have many options to choose from. In addition, the increasing cost of postsecondary education may influence some high school graduates to seek alternative educational or training opportunities. The study also looked at the importance of mentor- ing, which has evolved into creating relationships that match individuals with others who have the skills and knowledge they need. Mentorship is expected to con-
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(Cont’d on Page 13)
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