Conclusion Materiality is a crucial concept within ESG, and the SASB Standards and associated Materiality Map provides a clear foundation that can be used in different parts of the ESG investment process. However, since the SASB Standards are developed at an industry level, for some purposes users may find it useful to add their own com - pany-level knowledge onto the industry-based framework provided by the Materiality Map to ensure that they are focusing on the most relevant topics for each company, particularly where the company’s operations may differ from the industry norm.
The end goal for NAM is to ensure that Samsung SDI accesses a critical raw material in a sustainable way, and that utilises responsible cobalt in its products, which we believe will be future requirement from its clients and regulators. While Samsung SDI is well on its way to addressing its exposure to artisanal cobalt, NAM will continue to engage with the company around cobalt. The new engagement focus will be to address the ESG risks that are prevalent in large scale Congolese mining opera- tions, such as labour rights and corruption.
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