Learning Circle #16

Neuroscience of Learning – Part 3 Wednesday, September 25, 2019 Learning Circle #16


Dear L&D Leaders,

Learning circles are back with another new and engaging session which elucidates the neuroscience of learning. Learning is dynamic, social, and context dependent because emotions are; and emotions form a critical piece of how, what, when, and why people think, remember, and learn. The objective of this learning circle will be to explore how emotion affects learning in adults, what can we do as L&D leaders to enhance the learning experience of our colleagues and understand how senses play an important role in learning.


Key learning objectives

In our LC we will learn:

The role of emotions in learning

Sensation vs. Perception in learning

Semantic Priming

Using the senses to enhance the learning experience

NLP (Neuro Linguistics Programming)


Pre work No. 1

The power of positive emotions

Emotions are important in adult learning as they can either impede or motivate learning. This short video from the Cambridge University Press archives highlights the role of emotions in learning.

Please watch this video and answer the questions on the following link.


Pre work No. 2

Role of senses in enhancing learning

It is widely recognized that people learn in three different ways, However this may not always apply in all scenarios. Watch this video and answer the question on the following link.


Neuroscience of Learning – Part 3 September 25, 2019 Learning Circle #16


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