Overall Purpose To provide a professional and comprehensive Facilities Management service to the Hurlingham Club and its Members.To act as the day-to-day contact to a range of Club Heads of Depar tment, Managers, and Executives. Work closely with the Estates Executive ensuring all Estates and Facilities-related tasks are agreed attended to, repor ted, and delivered on time as required. This postholder will be expected to ensure the Club presents well at all times. Ensuring all soft-furnishings, lighting, decorations, and external areas are kept in a state of excellent repair and maintenance ensuring any required repair items are logged and any works completed in a timely manner and communicating, where required to Members. Regular liaison with the Club’s Executive Team as may be required to ensure the team is fully informed of any issues, complaints, and compliments via the Members suggestion book on a daily basis or verbally through regular contact with members ensuring all are responded to in a timely manner. To fulfill the role as the Club’s Health and Safety Officer.This will include the day-to-day management of the Club’s Risk Assessment process, including statutory Risk Assessments, in collaboration with the wider Estates Team. Advise, suppor t, and monitor other areas of the business to ensure their RAs. are up to date and provide the Club with an adequate level of control for our business. The Club holds many events for Members throughout the year.This role will suppor t these events.This will include attending meetings, preparing works and assisting others to draft plans for events, and then assisting in delivering the execution of events with a total team approach, as may be required.
Specific Duties and Responsibilities • To work closely with the whole of the Estates Executive Team at the Club including Grounds Maintenance, Building Maintenance, and Security. • Manage a range of Facilities Management Service providers.This will include but is not limited to, contract management, performance improvement, and change, ensuring delivery expectations are achieved.The postholder will be expected to lead on the drafting of various new FM. Contracts and where required with external and internal suppor t as necessary.They will be responsible for the delivery of contract performance and specifications. • Specifically, the role will manage the Club’s Cleaning Contract. Regular liaison with the Cleaning management team and individual Cleaners is a daily tasks. Attendance at regular event group meetings to ensure cleaning and support
cover is adequate to deliver the Clubs high expectations and standards. • Take an active par t in managing and developing the Club’s Environmental Policy.This will include working toward Zero Carbon, taking part in regular sustainability drives and initiatives to ensure realistic targets are set monitored, and achieved repor ting as required. • Take the lead in delivering the Club’s commitment to performance Standard ISO14001.This will include ensuring quality control of documentation as well as forward planning and leading on the annual audit process. Finally, make sure the standard and achievements made are published throughout the Club as may be appropriate. • Ensure at all times emphasis on delivering value for money to the Club. Continually seek and explore new ways of delivery and working t ensure the Club take maximum advantage of new technologies and process to provide a better service to our Members. • Manage the receipt and monitoring of utility invoices/spend with the Buildings Manager, preparing repor ts to reflect spend and performance. • Attend Key Estates and Facilities Meetings when required taking the official minute record as may be required from time to time. Note this will include regular meetings with FM providers and ensuring they produce accurate minutes and action sheets as required. • Manage and operate our new Computer Aided Facilities Management System, CAFM. Uniquely, as this is a new system there will be an opportunity to help build the system to maximize use and performance. • The role will form par t of the Club’s Emergency Response team. All members of the team are expended to support the Club in teims of emergency and distaer situation whocu lthey occur. • To under take such other duties as the Management of the Club might reasonably expect appropriate to the job grade.
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