


THE HEATING SYSTEM TECHNICIAN A well-trained specialist

Most people consider having a heat pump installed in their home during heat waves. However, heat pumps have several other advantages apart from just providing air conditioning. In fact, they can heat or cool a home while reducing energy costs throughout the entire year. When buying a heat pump, different factors should be considered, including the cost of the system, installation and maintenance. It may be necessary to install new ventilation ducts in the house. Once all of the necessary elements are in place, the owner of a heat pump will see a reduction in their energy bills. This is even truer where high efficiency heat pumps are concerned. Those who would like to take advantage of these savings but who do not have the required budget for the installation of a traditional heat pump, could consider investing in a wall heat pump. This type of device’s capacity is inferior when compared to a traditional model, but its energy efficiency and its low purchase cost allows for sizeable savings in heating costs thanks to technological innovations.

Small awnings that adorn windows are an eye-catching way to add personality and beauty to any home, to say nothing of their ability to keep out the sun’s heat. A wide selection enables you to choose the awning that will meet your needs. Solidity and strength are important, as is choosing the right colour. If you plan to change your home’s siding, it’s perhaps better to wait and coordinate your awnings with the new exterior. Acrylic awnings come in a wide range of colours and designs. When colours are integrated into the fibre, the colour’s intensity is not affected by sun, wind or rain. Acrylic awnings are very mildewand rust-resistant, and will not stiffen, crack or peel – a practical and affordable choice. Decorated permanent aluminium awnings are a lifetime investment. Thanks to baked enamel, aluminium offers an attractive finish in a wide choice of colours. Aluminium will not rust, is very strong, eliminates stripping and painting, and offers an excellent quality-price ratio. Windows enhance the charm and interior ambiance of a home, and are often the first things to be noticed. A window’s location and quality can also affect a home’s heating costs, beauty and comfort. Windows can become energy gluttons, allowing heat loss during the winter and loss of cool air in summer. Because they offer little thermal resistance, windows can lose 10 times more heat per square metre than walls, and may represent 30 percent of a home’s total heat loss. Quality windows of the right size and in the right location increase comfort, retain warm or cool air, reduce drafts and increase humidity without risk of condensation. Key criteria for choosing windows include the windowpanes, frame material and space between panes. A window’s position in relation to the sun can minimize heat loss while maximizing solar heat. Planting trees in front of windows facing east or south can prevent overheating during summern months, but large glass surfaces should be avoided on these windows if they are not shaded. A home heating and cooling technician can perform preventive and corrective maintenance of heating and hot water systems, as well as install and maintain air conditioning systems. To improve the performance of your present system, this specialist can suggest certain modifications and will ensure the completion of the project. Depending on your needs, you can count on the technician to replace or bring certain equipment parts up to standard during regular maintenance sessions. This professional has the technical expertise to install, service, maintain, and troubleshoot residential heating and cooling systems. A home heating technician can be a great help when you need a new heating system, or if the one you presently own requires some adjustments or a few repairs.

Pour une température confortable Si le fait de vivre dans un climat tempéré comporte plusieurs avantages, cela représente aussi certains défis, notamment en matière de chauffage. A vec les chaleurs de l’été, les froids de l’hiver et l’humidité qui nous écrase, il s’avère essentiel de développer des stratégies pour vivre confortablement sans pour autant gaspiller nos ressources énergétiques et financières. Votre premier souci devrait être de trouver un équilibre entre une bonne aération (nécessaire à votre santé et à celle de votre maison) et une bonne isolation (réduisant les pertes de chaleur en hiver et de fraîcheur en été). Pour ce faire, assurez-vous que l’enveloppe thermique de votre habitation soit bien isolée et que les courants d’air provenant des portes, des fenêtres et des fissures de toute sorte soient limités au minimum. Plusieurs produits sont conçus à cet effet. Veillez également à une ventilation adéquate (entre autres dans l’entretoit), si possible avec un système qui récupère la chaleur. Enfin, l’utilisation (et l’entretien) de systèmes de chauffage et de climatisation performants mais économiques en matière d’énergie est aussi de mise. Des spécialistes peuvent vous conseiller à ce niveau. D’autre part, certaines habitudes peuvent aussi faire une différence notable sur la facture. La première est assurément de ne pas chauffer ou climatiser inutilement. On recommande une température de 17 _C la nuit et de 20 _C le jour lorsque vous êtes à la maison et de 15 _C en cas d’absence. Un thermostat programmable peut être utile. Pour la climatisation, le réglage devrait être fait à 26 _C lorsque vous êtes présent et à 30 _C dans le cas contraire. Attention aussi de fermer portes et fenêtres avant de chauffer ou climatiser. Enfin, sachez profiter de l’énergie

solaire en ouvrant ou fermant les rideaux selon que vous souhaitez capter ou non la chaleur du soleil. Un thermostat programmable vous assure de ne pas chauffer inutilement la nuit ou dans les périodes d’absence.


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