Kappa Journal (Senior Kappas Edition)



Senior Kappa Affairs Committee Activities Across Kappa Land

Senior Kappa Affairs Committee Military Spotlight: Dr. Richard E. Williams

Huntsville (AL) Alumni Polemarch, Carlen Chestang, Jr. Honors Raymond N. Glover, (Beta Delta 1950) 97 years old and a Kappa for 68 years.

50-Year Kappas Celebrated in Huntsville from left: James D. Foster (Gamma Phi 1966), Mace Neal Jr. (Gamma Phi 1966), John Vickers (Gamma Phi 1951), Brawnski F. Towns (Gamma Phi 1967) and Raymond N. Glover.

D r. Richard E. Williams (Alpha Upsilon 1954) holds a B.S. in Chemistry from Kentucky State University; a B.S. in Electronic Engineer- ing from the U.S. Naval Post-Graduate School; a master’s degree in Math- ematics from Prairie View A&M University; and a Ph.D. in Policy, Plans, and Analysis from the Florida State University. A veteran of over 23 years in the Navy, Dr. Williams was one of the highest ranking Black pilots in the Navy and in August 1973 was promoted to become the youngest Captain in the U.S. Navy. Dr. Williams was the first Black to command a Navy Air Training Wing. Dr. Williams has served in dis- tinguished positions during his Navy career, such as Deputy Assistant to the Commander-in-Chief of the Atlantic Fleet; Com- manding Officer of the Naval Air Training Squad- ron Three; Commanding Officer of the Naval Air

Station, Corpus Christi, Texas; Commodore of the Navy Air Training Wing Four. Dr. Williams also served simultaneously as a Professor of Naval Science and the Commanding Of- ficer of the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) at Florida A&M University and Florida State University. In January 1979, Florida former Governor Bob Gra- ham announced his intent to establish an Office of the Inspector General in the State of Florida to improve governmental efficiency, production and responsiveness. He chose Dr. Williams, to fill the position, thus making him the first Inspector General of the State of Florida. Vice President/Provost of Florida Memorial Univer- sity. Dr. Williams is the recipient of the prestigious Nathan Hale Award, the highest award presented by Florida Memorial Univer- sity. In 1983, Dr. Williams became the Executive

In 1988 after a five-year stint as a private business- man, Dr. Williams returned to government service as the Director of Field Operations at the South Florida Water Manage- ment District, where he also served as the District Ombudsman. Dr. Williams and his lovely wife, Ruth, of 57 years, are the proud parents of seven children, 22 grandchildren, and two great grandchil- dren. presently the Partner and Chief Operating Officer of Bright Consulting Solu- tions. He is active with the San Antonio (TX) Alumni Chapter and is a member of the chapter's Senior Kappa Affairs Committee. As a part of that Commit- tee, he serves as a frequent guest speaker during the chapter's Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring Sessions. Now living in the City of San Antonio, Texas, Dr. Williams is


1. Dr. Richard A. Williams (Son), (Alpha Xi 1981), Life Member, Past Grand Board Member 2. Ronnell R. Bright (Son-in- law), (Alpha Xi 1984) 3. Donald Thompson (Son- in-law), (Alpha Theta 1986) 4. Ronald A. Williams (Son): (Epsilon Zeta 1991) 5. Reginald J. C. Williams (Son), (Miami (FL) AL 2001) 6. Khristian Merrell (Neph- ew), (Miami (FL) AL 2012) 7. Giles Williams (Grand- son), (Alpha Xi 2013) 8. Miles Williams (Grand- son), (Alpha Xi 2013)

Below, front row, 50+ Year Recipients from Alpharetta-Symrna (GA) Alumni: Brothers Leonard P. Scott, Hayward Richardson, William T. Parker, Jay A. Hendricks, Alvin V. Harrison. Back Row: Vice Polemarch – Victor Harper, Howard Waits, Glenn Melton, Lawrence King, Lester Rogers, Polemarch – Lamont Bates, James Sandford, Norvell Moore, Senior Kappa Affairs Chair – Milford Rosemond, Jr., Kevin Bean and Willie Pass.

Alpharetta-Smyrna (GA) Alumni Chapter honored Brothers with 50+ years in the Bond with their white jackets and other paraphernalia during its’ January 2018 chapter meeting. Pure #Achievement for each of these Brothers as they have accomplished great things in Kappa since their initiation. Their memories and stories are sources of instruction, good living, mentoring, fraternal bonding and Achievement. They have earned the respect of all and stayed true to the meaning of our great Fraternity. From left: Hayward Richardson (Alpha Beta 1965), William T. Parker (Delta Gamma 1962), Alvin V. Harrison (Alpha Sigma 1955), Jay A. Hendricks 1955 (Alpha Iota 1955) and Leonard P. Scott 1965 (Gamma Epsilon 1965).

Missouri City-Sugar Land (TX) Alumni honored five Senior Kappas for their service to Kappa Alpha Psi ® . Brothers Conrith W. Davis, Sr. (Epsilon Beta 1973) Stephen LaBohne (Gamma Omicron 1968), Frank Fraley (Zeta Chi 1973), Stanley B. Sanders (Delta Delta 1977), and Myles L. Evans (Delta Delta 1977). Pictured from left to right are Polemarch Will Walker, Myles L. Evans and Marcolin Eakins.


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