New research shows that engaging as many senses as possible when teaching increases the amount of information RETAINED.
Lessons from the Classroom Thanks to 17 years as a professional educator in New Jersey, Senior Director 6 Tom Braddock knows how to reach even the toughest audience. He’s taken his lessons from the classroom and applied them to presenting Melaleuca: An Overview.
Verginia and Tom Braddock SENIOR DIRECTORS 6
“ Melaleuca: An Overview lays the groundwork for connecting with any kind of audience,” Tom says. “The numbers and mathematics in the Overview engage logical thinking. Sharing stories and how Melaleuca impacts others’ lives brings in the emotion. That’s what weighs on people’s heartstrings. Some slides are really good for pausing for a teachable moment. Everything is presented in digestible bites.” No matter who your audience is, Tom has found that you can reach them with stories. “Stories connect. They always work in the classroom. Sharing a personal story opens up the door to your life and others see you as a real person. When you share your story in an Overview, someone might say, ‘Wow, I want the same thing to happen to me.’” The adult attention span is about seven minutes. The Overview is paced to continually engage audience members, but if it feels like you’re losing someone, Tom recommends stopping right then and sharing a story. “If you feel like the energy in the room is a little low, stop and share a story. It’s a very effective way to raise engagement.”
Tom says that curiosity is the appetite of the mind. “If you reveal everything up front, people begin to make assumptions. It has always worked better for me to keep them guessing. Going through the presentation will satisfy that appetite little by little. Reveal less and allow them to experience more.” Above all, Tom encourages you to be yourself! “One of my mentors says that you can’t teach them until you reach them. It’s the same here. Tap into their “why.” They are not buying the company, they are buying into the person who is sharing this with them.”
“Melaleuca: An Overview lays
the groundwork for connecting with any kind of audience.” —Senior Director 6 Tom Braddock
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