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The Axcess Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
“If you have pain, you shouldn’t ignore it. We can help you feel better fast!”
Increase Your Energy! Physical Therapy Can Help You Get Moving!
Doyou feelsluggishor fatigued,as if it’sdifficult tomotivateyourself togetmoving? Do your sore muscles or achy joints just add to that lack of motivation? If so, your body may be experiencing some physical problems. Living a sedentary life is one of the main reasons why people report having low energyorfeelingchronicday-to-dayaches.Longcarcommutes,desk jobs,watching T.V. once you get home from work… many people live their lives this way, with very littlephysicalactivity.While itmaynotseem like it ismakingan impactat the time, this type of sedentary lifestyle can damage your body over time. Contact Axcess Physical Therapy today to figure out how a consistent exercise plan can increase your energy and help you live a healthier life! WHY IS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SO IMPORTANT? Whenyoudon’tparticipate infrequentphysicalactivity,yourmusclesbegintoweaken andover time theycanevenbegin toatrophy. Inactive lifestylesalsocause joints to
become stiff and can alter the physiological chemical processes within your body. In fact, your circulation and lymphatic systems can slow down, which can pose harmful risks. These systems work in producing and excreting toxic wastes (such ascholesterol)and thesewastescanbuildupwhen thesystemsaren’t functioning as efficiently as they should. Lackofmovementandpoorposturearethecausesofseveraltypesofpain, including lower back pain, neck pain, hip pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, and headaches. A slumpedposturecanevenchange theshapeofyourspineover time, inaddition to closing your shoulder joints and tightening up the tissues around your hips.These consequences can cause severe pain and may result in a host of other problems if lifestyle changes are not made.
QUOTE OF THE MONTH: “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” - Napoleon Hill
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