
Aw, isn’t that nice?

health care or education, the government



some of us may have been envious of the


Hawkesbury couple who had won $50

billion over three years in new savings.

million in a lottery.Why couldn’t that have

Taxpayers, particularly those who

happened to us? We are agreeable and

work in the private sector, are content to



bucks just as much as the next person.

and improve efficiencies. Private sector

But nobody could begrudge the new

employees tend to smugly believe that

millionaires of their windfall, because they


Fame, fortune, cycling

came across as being such wonderful

private-sector counterparts.

gracious people.




leads to worries about what price we will

However, OldManWinter is not turning


dépanneur owners, deftly handled their

all pay for “more efficient and effective

those smiles into frozen frowns.

pull in salaries of about $700,000. “Time to




cap hospital CEO salaries” is the



this time of year.

prescription from New Democratic Party

their wealth with the community, helping

concerns. The blurb on the Drummond


leader Andrea Horwath.

out good causes, such as the food bank and


to pursue — skiing, skating, snowshoeing,


the hospital.


tobogganing, ice fishing, cycling. Have you

for local hospital executives to swallow

Does it get any better than this? Perhaps

that deep, across-the-board cuts would

ever taken a bike out for a winter spin, in

because, if she got her way, public sector


lead to increased costs in the long run.”

minus-20 weather? Of course, you have to

CEO salaries would be capped at $418,000

As the fabulous news spread, many

Unfortunately, we cannot take such

dress for the occasion, and exercise caution.

a year, much than what local hospital

people rushed out to buy lottery tickets.

pledges to the bank.

Your hands are the first to freeze up. And

officials make now.


traction can be an issue.

As taxpayers, we have a right, if not a


Wind chill is a major factor. The face can

responsibility, to be aware of salaries and


quickly go numb when you get up a head of

other expenditures that our hard-earned

McDonell wins

enjoyed the fact that Hawkesbury was


money is used to finance.

making headlines for a positive reason.


Thus, you are undoubtedly following

Thanks, we needed that.

is the appreciation one gets for the warmth

closely the Commission on the Reform of


Remember that only a few days earlier,

of home and hearth, which tends to be

Ontario’s Public Services, a body that will

Hawkesburgers had been buzzing about

particularly comforting as one attempts to

assist the Ontario government “in taking


restore feeling to frigid cheeks.

action to find efficiencies, improve value”

DeputyMayor Chris McDonell won by

It was a typical post-holiday blah time.

Speaking of blood pressure, the prospect

and “provide advice on how to deliver the

a margin of 1,517 to 1,405 over Alexandria

Christmas decorations were being taken

of money, in particular the money paid to

most efficient and effective public services

Councillor Jamie MacDonald Monday

down; heating bills were rising; there was

others, can always rapidly accelerate the

possible for people and families.”

night to succeed Grant Crack as mayor of


heart rate.

The government’s trimming plan

North Glengarry Township.

of seasonal ailment. HappyNewYear, and

Consider the salaries paid to hospital

includes the elimination of 11 agencies,

The mayor’s position had been vacant

pass the cough medicine.



since the Ontario provincial election in


released by the institutions to underline, as

Corporation, the Biopharmaceutical

October when Crack, who was re-elected


the Ontario Hospital Association puts it, “a

Investment Program Marketing Advisory

mayor in November, 2010, was elected to


strong commitment to transparency,

Committee, the Crown Timber Board of

succeed Jean-Marc Lalonde as Glengarry-

For a while, it was like we were living in

accountability, and the importance of

Examiners and the Healing Arts Radiation

Prescott-Russell M.P.P.



Protection (HARP) Commission.


That shared euphoria is beginning to

people they serve.”


post was expected to be made this week.

wear off, now that the novelty of the story

Local hospital executives are near the


Many had suggested that the newmayor

has ebbed and winter is beginning to settle

bottom of the pay scale, however, in other

will report to the Minister of Finance in

ought to be appointed as well so the




an election.

not make recommendations that would

However, in a 3-2 vote, council decided


to hold a special election.


RETAIL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR AN AGENCY STORE IN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING COMMUNITIES: LCBO RFP# 2012-101 L’ORIGNAL LCBO RFP# 2012-102 ST. EUGENE An excellent business opportunity is now available to established retailers in L’Orignal and St. Eugene. The Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) is seeking a responsible, customer-focused retailer to operate an LCBO Agency Store in L’Orignal and St. Eugene. To qualify, the applicant must have an existing, currently operating retail business in the community and commit to operating the Agency store within established LCBO guidelines. To facilitate the sale of beverage alcohol products, the operator may be required to enter into separate commercial arrangements with the LCBO and domestic beer suppliers. The successful applicant will also be required to participate in a special LCBO server-training program to ensure the responsible sale of beverage alcohol products. Since 1962, the LCBO has authorized more than 200 Agency stores to serve communities that have requested service but where the local population is too small to support a regular LCBO or beer store. These Agency stores are operated by local retailers within their existing retail business. Agency VWRUHFRQWUDFWVDUHQRUPDOO\DZDUGHGIRUD¿YH\HDUWHUP,QFRPPXQLWLHVZKHUHWKHUHLVFXUUHQWO\ an Agency store, as the contract nears expiry, the LCBO will take into consideration the fact that new businesses in the community may have been established and will allow an opportunity for all EXVLQHVVHVLQWKHFRPPXQLW\WRFRPSHWHIRUWKHQH[W¿YH\HDUWHUP Operating an LCBO Agency Store provides a retailer with an excellent opportunity to increase revenue and attract customers while providing local residents with beverage alcohol services. Agency stores DOVRGHOLYHUHFRQRPLFEHQH¿WVWRWKHFRPPXQLW\LQPDQ\FDVHVWKURXJKMREFUHDWLRQDQGLQFUHDVHG FXVWRPHUWUDI¿FIRUORFDOPHUFKDQWV ,QWHUHVWHGEXVLQHVVHVPXVWUHTXHVW by mail the application package for this competition before end of business day, Friday, February 3, 2012 and must quote the following information: RFP# 2012-101 L’Orignal RFP# 2012-102 St. Eugene Request for Application Package Request for Application Package Procurement and Contract Procurement and Contract Management, LCBO Management, LCBO 1 Yonge Street, Suite 1404 1 Yonge Street, Suite 1404 Toronto, ON M5E 1E5 Toronto, ON M5E 1E5 Please note: An application fee of $100 must be included with your request in order to receive an application package. Make the cheque or money order payable to the LCBO only. ,QRUGHUWREHFRQVLGHUHGIRUWKLVEXVLQHVVRSSRUWXQLW\DSSOLFDQWVPXVWVXEPLWWR/&%23URFXUHPHQW and Contract Management a completed proposal in the required format before the closing date and time, Friday, February 17, 2012, 3 p.m. local time . Late submissions will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. lc

DDP N° 2012-101 L’ORIGNAL DDP N° 2012-102 ST. EUGENE

Une excellente occasion d’affaires s’offre aux détaillants de L’Orignal et de St. Eugene.

La Régie des alcools de l’Ontario (LCBO) recherche un détaillant responsable et soucieux du service à la clientèle pour exploiter un magasin-agence de la LCBO à L’Orignal et St. Eugene. Pour être admissible, vous devez exploiter un commerce de vente au détail déjà établi dans la localité et vous engager à respecter les lignes directrices de la LCBO. Pour faciliter la vente de boissons alcooliques, le candidat choisi pourrait avoir à conclure des ententes commerciales différentes avec la LCBO et avec les fournisseurs de bières canadiennes. Le candidat retenu devra également suivre un programme de formation spécial de la LCBO qui a trait à la responsabilité reliée à la vente des boissons alcooliques. Depuis l962, la LCBO a autorisé plus de 200 magasins-agences qui desservent les localités qui ont GHPDQGpXQVHUYLFHGHYHQWHG¶DOFRROPDLVGRQWODSRSXODWLRQHVWLQVXI¿VDQWHSRXU\pWDEOLUXQH VXFFXUVDOHUpJXOLqUHGHOD/&%2RXXQPDJDVLQGHELqUH/HVPDJDVLQVDJHQFHVVRQWFRQ¿pVjGHV détaillants locaux et s’annexent à un commerce de détail existant. Le contrat d’un magasin-agence est normalement d’une durée de cinq ans. Au cours de la cinquième année d’exploitation d’un magasin- agence, la LCBO tient compte des nouveaux commerces établis dans la localité et donne à tous la chance de présenter leur candidature pour le prochain terme de cinq ans. Un détaillant qui exploite un magasin-agence a la possibilité d’augmenter ses revenus en attirant une FOLHQWqOHDGGLWLRQQHOOHWRXWHQRIIUDQWDX[FLWR\HQVGHVDORFDOLWpOHVSURGXLWVHWVHUYLFHVGHOD/&%28Q magasin-agence contribue également à l’économie de la localité souvent par la création de nouveaux emplois et par l’augmentation de l’achalandage chez les autres marchands locaux. Les commerçants intéressés sont invités à faire la demande du dossier de soumission pour ce concours par la poste avant 17 h, le 3 février 2012 .

La demande doit être adressée de la façon suivante :

DDP N° 2012-101 L’Orignal Demande du dossier de soumission

DDP N° 2012-102 St. Eugene Demande du dossier de soumission

Service des achats, LCBO 1, rue Yonge, bureau 1404 Toronto (Ontario) M5E 1E5

Service des achats, LCBO 1, rue Yonge, bureau 1404 Toronto (Ontario) M5E 1E5

NB : Des frais de soumission de 100 $ sont exigés au moment où vous faites votre demande de dossier de soumission. Veuillez acquitter ces frais en joignant à votre demande un mandat ou un chèque fait à l’ordre de la LCBO. Les candidats doivent soumettre leur formulaire de proposition complet et dans les normes au Service des achats de la LCBO avant 15 h (heure locale) le 17 février 2012 . Les propositions reçues en retard ne seront pas acceptées. Elles seront retournées à l’expéditeur sans être lues. lc

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