Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201711

SUCCESS STARTS AS AN IDEA Are you listening?

Success starts as an idea. The idea starts to transform into reality when a decision—a no matter what decision is made. Then people need to hear about it. But, most people don’t or won’t listen… and most that do, reject the idea. That’s why most people don’t even try to be successful and many that do fail to get past the disappointment, they give up and miss out on the life they’ve always dreamed of. That’s all there is to it: not giving up until success is achieved.

That advancement started an amazing trend: new Senior Directors, many of the them in Pacesetter timeframe: Sharlene Lesa, Esther Tevega, Siutaka Vaka, Asenita Tiselli, Moana and Sonasi Samita, and just last month, Ofa Wright became the seventh new Senior Director in the six months since Convention. In the six months before Hayley and Ben’s advancement we could have given up – we felt like giving up! We could have moved on to the next quick win or tried again with another strategy. But that is not the way! Only by believing with all your heart that you will succeed, consistently working hard sharing Melaleuca with everyone and never giving up – no matter what the setbacks - do you achieve your dream life. Of the seven new Senior Directors most have earned more than $100,000. Sharlene has earned almost $500,000. You can too. Get an idea of what your life could be like. Make a “No-matter-what” decision. Believe – with all your heart - you will succeed. Share it with everyone. Don’t give up, no matter what setbacks, rejections or failures you encounter. Think about it. If you follow the above steps, there can only be one outcome. And for you, it’s a very good one. What are you waiting for, get started today!

It’s an emotional roller coaster, I know, I’m speaking from experience. One year ago, we had an idea to give people like you real income. Income equivalent to a full time wage. The type of income that gives you choice in your life; a comfortable income and enough free time so that you can enjoy a happy life. This idea is the Pacesetter Senior Director strategy. We launched it 1 September 2016 … and for six-months practically nothing happened!

I talked about it as enthusiastically as I could, on conference calls, at events, in the office, on coaching calls with many of you, with my boss, with everyone, I didn’t stop. But for six months we had hardly any results, it was demoralising. Then, at Convention, lots of people started to make commitments. The following month we celebrated Hayley and Ben Harding as brand new Senior Directors.

Yours truly,



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